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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Living in gratitude; the essence of spiritual abundance" Part 2

Nov 25, 2016

Living in gratitude; the essence of spiritual abundance"
Part 2

When we think or ponder the meaning and definition of "living in gratitude"; several theories that relate to energy and a way of just "being" come to mind. And as usual my guides remind us that these are simply "their" teachings, insight and guidance and are not meant to imply the only system or belief. Also when looking at topics especially those in spirituality, it's essential we define the terms in all contexts. The same word or term can imply different forms of reference depending on how it is used.

So we begin the series (after our Thanksgiving blog) by looking at the title and how it becomes applicable to our life, path and journey.

First we have, "living in gratitude" and while most of us understand the dialect and meaning behind gratitude it does vary just a bit when we adopt this as a way of life. In general one can be grateful (a form of the word gratitude) for something received, whether literal such as a gift or a promotion or for that which is on the side of thankfulness. Which would be defined or described as that which was not received given or external circumstances? We may say for example; "I was so grateful I missed hitting that deer last night while driving", so we are thanking the powers that be as well as embracing gratitude for a specific event or occurrence. So in general gratitude is a measure to a degree of a positive outcome or a positive situation, whether we are involved or such is positive near miss.

In the spiritual sense, gratitude becomes a much more powerful, extended and influential meaning. Living IN gratitude signifies and symbolizes choosing to adopt a constant, consistent energy. This energy carries a higher vibration, is more positive in general and therefore allows for grace, forgiveness; compassion and acceptance to also become a part of our spiritual core-therefore a part of who we are.

The essence of spiritual abundance; this term implies that the center or the crux of having abundance of the spiritual self requires and may even rely on living in gratitude. Spiritual abundance is not that different than abundance in other forms, for example if you purchased 50 packages of detergent, it could be said you have an "abundance" of detergent. Abundance in general life terms is defined as having more than what is needed or necessary of a product or even perhaps what we are able to appreciate (gratitude/grateful) for in our lives'. We can as humans have an "abundance" of work, of people we care about or a strong support system and even material possessions that surround us. Although it would be a lie to say that the wealthy cannot possibly be happy and material items are not useful or add no options, choices or joy to our life. However it is just as true that these items alone or this type of abundance in of itself without true gratitude and the energy or spiritual essence of abundance with gratitude does not and never will alone bring happiness.

So in this series we look at how one lives IN gratitude as opposed to simply showing or giving/feeling gratitude based on a specific event or even a fleeting emotion.

We will also look closer at how spiritual abundance is the energy of positive empowerment, faith, hope and of course the existence of gratitude as a way of life, rather than an "occasion". We cannot have or embrace, attain or achieve one without the other and together as a "set" or these two energies, influences and just the state of being in, are created together. The harmony and/or unity of such make the impossible-possible and offer a form of gratitude and abundance which cannot be found elsewhere, nor created or taken, but comes from a choice within in which can remain a part of our core being always.

Next, understanding how we invite the energy and influence of gratitude into our lives.

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