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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Living in gratitude; the essence of spiritual abundance"

Nov 23, 2016

"Living in gratitude; the essence of spiritual abundance"
Part 1/The Thanksgiving Holiday

For many cultures, countries and even religious organizations or beliefs; people all over are in the midst of preparations for what many celebrate as a spectacular feast. While our history teaches that the original Thanksgiving was a lavish meal shared between the American Indians and the colonials that arrived by ship to the American's from numerous counties. As the story or what until recently was considered accurate accounts; this meal was held as a gesture of good will towards both sides. In the last 10 years and especially the last 5 while it remains an inspiring and hopeful tale; details, journals and even the ancestors of those actually present tells a very different story. Historians now know that this "feast" was held in either July or August as by November fresh fruit and vegetables were unavailable. The weather would have also interfered as sitting outside and serving a large, lengthy meal with a huge crowd in attendance. Combined with temperatures likely in the 30's and snow being a distinct possibility it would not have been very pleasurable. There is also a great deal of speculation on whether the colonists (and in some cases the true Americans-Indians) gathered to share in the bounty of the land or to gain knowledge and size up what would very soon be considered a mortal enemies.

However while the core of the tales may be far from true, the positive aspect is that America among other countries (and some for extremely different original reasons) continue to uphold a spiritual meaning and the energy along with intentions for many years has been to share camaraderie along with certain foods. And just as all of these various cultures and their habits or cultivated ways of exact food may differ, the unity is undeniable.

So we then can forgive the trespass of the truth becomes it has brought forth a day of great thanks and gratitude and in which we all attempt to be more tolerant of one another. It is a well known holiday or celebration in which travel is quite common and numerous humans and families go far out of their way to spend this time of "thanks" and gratitude with family and friends.

So while at some point we may wish to make the historical reflection as if more accurate, or simply revise what is not actually proven to be true as simply an "unknown or unproven" chain of events.

However we can and should all give thanks that perhaps without the first tales and the images, or envisioned pine crafted tables bringing together in camaraderie those that would later be at war. It allows us to embrace the collective and appreciate the spiritual light or the good in all of humanity.

Within our own circle of friends and family; there are those we share strong and close bonds with and others we simply tolerate.

But what a spiritual vision that actually occurs every year for so many that all differences are neatly set aside, and as we convene with self, friends, family and Divine, we are able to find all that we can share as gratitude.

For many of us the true spiritual meaning of Thanksgiving has faded a bit over the last decade and seems to be synonymous with "black Friday shopping" as much as it is with turkey, ham or special dishes. Even so within our spiritual self remains that memory and just as other holidays are symbols, tomorrow is the symbol of giving thanks and being in the energy or state of gratitude for that which surrounds us. Whether a career, a home, health or family and friends, we all have something that offers joy, peace or happiness. And there is no doubt that Thanksgiving offers the perfect opportunity to take note of this, and for those that have lost their way in gratitude or grace, to start living within again.

We always find spiritual abundance and therefore other aspects and forms of abundance when we live in the energy of constant gratitude. Again, whether our health, the sunny weather or that of greater importance, it begins in gratitude.

And what better time to start to embrace a new way than with the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, safe travels and may all find abundance~

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