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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Karma Part 3

May 19, 2016

Part 3

As we look at how Karma effects our present life we keep in mind that Karma is an "action" or more specifically it can be seen as the cause AND effect. And in a sense we form the cause and therefore the effect. Although there are many varied definitions or beliefs on this topic, most agree that Karma is a strong and pervasive influence that is the result of prior or current action(s).

And although my guides teach and many also believe that our Karma is a part of our past or previous lives’ for the moment we focus on how Karma affects us currently and what if any changes can be made in how our Karma affects us.

Karma can be seen as an individual lesson or way of learning and processing yet the outcome is fairly universal. As discussed in part 2 Karma is that by which we are able to unite to total and complete harmony and balance. To achieve that one must experience any and all situations, or be exposed to all of the polarity between the positive and negative even if such is perception only.

It is also our belief that those that experience in this life or lifetime events that do not seem to correlate within the current life that this is due to past life Karma unfolding or taking form. But in this life we often see, feel and life the results perhaps later in life of that which was given or the intention of our energy exposed or translated via Karma. Although not necessarily every "story" is the result of Karma or Karmic influence, these are the potential results or the "action" Karma takes form in.

The young man who grows up in the "projects" with little if any family support and somehow maintains his honor and integrity. He holds fast to his dreams of being a "rapper" (genre of music) and avoids the temptations that lurk the streets and seem to be a constant threat. He perseveres and by what some may consider sheer luck or coincidence, he is noticed by a well-know or popular artist who whisks him away to Hollywood, as a mentor and the young man from the ghetto becomes a household name for those in that type of music. And we can see more examples of this being true Karma as the young man remains humble and generous, always working to help others and donating much of his wealth and time back to those very streets he grew up in.

Or what about the other side of Karma? In the same scenario, the young man gives up his dream and trades his visions early for membership in a local gang, dropping out of school, spending his days stealing and selling drugs. His compassion and humanity is quickly forgotten and in one dark moment he takes the life of another. Perhaps a robbery gone wrong or fearing for his own life, there is nothing that can erase that moment in time. And so at 18 or maybe 19 he is sentenced to 20 some years to serve behind bars, where he grows up and tries to find his identity. One could argue that such is simply justice; do the crime, pay with the time. But the story doesn't always end there. During his incarceration he becomes aware of the precious gift of life and vows to change himself and give to the world in every way possible. He begins teaching those who cannot read and pursues an education. Once released he goes on to join a missionary group that travels to underdeveloped countries teaching hygiene, sanitation and farming.

The last is a great example of how we can change our current life's Karma. Although it is yet to be known what he may experience in future lifetimes, in this current life his ability to come to that state of grace and experience true regret and remorse changed not only his attitude and energy but his destiny or path as well.

Our current life Karma is most important or influential because we believe that it can and often does override any and all that has come before. So for those provided opportunities to walk a path of grace, love and honor but who turn away, their Karma then becomes shifted. Just as those that rise from the ashes or the darkness and find the light; their Karma too is altered. And whatever may have been or come before (past lives) can it is believed be reconciled and again we think of cause and effect by our choices, actions and of course intentions.

As humans we are taught and expected to live in the now, therefore we must embrace that it truly is the now, the present that is the dominant energy and that which can be changed, altered or shifted. Just as my guides teach that the future is always equal in opportunity to all, so is the Karma or the action that results from the cause and then effect. The cause is also action and the choices we make every day with our life and how we live such life.

Karma is a powerful yet benevolent force in our life, it cannot be ignored but it does listen and there are paths or chances to take a different path, therefore creating a different Karma.

Next, Karma versus free will, which has the ultimate power? ~

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