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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Just my imagination, a dream or could it be real"?

May 3, 2016

"Just my imagination, a dream or could it be real"?

Starz BlogTalk Radio - Topic discussed Monday, May 2, 2016- tune in next Monday for part 2 of this incredible topic of insight, sharing and amazing stories! Starz BlogTalk airs every Monday night at 8 pm EST. Hosted by Miss Natalie, AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder and CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, StarzMayaMoon, AKA Maya. All live broadcasts are recorded and can be accessed from the link on Starz home page, available in a variety of venues for listening.

I was especially excited to share this topic with our listeners and to hear Natalie's own personal story (she has shared this with me prior to the broadcast) as I also knew our listeners would be intrigued and fascinated with this particular experience. We also had the pleasure of a "call in"; a listener that was able to share some of her personal experiences with spiritual events that cross over the physical boundaries. Be sure to mark your calendars for next Monday as we delve into part 2; with more personal experiences to share and our own insight and guidance into existence of spiritual or "other realm" encounters.

Natalie shared a quite amazing and profound experience that occurred approximately 30+ years ago, but has remained as powerful today as it occurred. Although at the time Natalie may not have fully understood all the nuances, symbolism or meaning, years later having followed her true spiritual path and journey she now understands the inspirational, spiritual, emotional and literal message and intention.

And that brought us to the topic and discussion, along with our "guest", "Mary" to examine the various factors or perhaps gauges to validate such an experience as either "real" or just our imagination, even the possibility of being a lucid dream.

One thing we unanimously agreed upon is our ability to validate any and all experiences within our own self. The real versus fiction truly resides in our own heart and soul. If we believe it to be a real or literal experience, regardless of the specifics or details, it becomes real. And those that cast doubt or questions such validity then loses out on what can often become a catalyst to a lifetime of changes, shifts or the roles we create and/or are defined more clearly for us.

The rule is simple, if it happened, it was or is real! And although we only had time to share a couple of our stories as Natalie's experience was beyond the scope or above what even most of us receive in terms of spiritual experiences, we still were able to communicate the vast array of possibilities and how these experiences, interactions or events are always filled with intention and manifest across physical walls or boundaries so we can learn a lesson or perhaps to have a belief or uncertainty validated or given credence.

As spiritual beings living our human and physical lives' the majority of us have likely had at least one if not more spiritually inclined encounter. These can range from an actual visual or visible encounter to the sense or knowing that "something" is more than a dream or just a random sense of even de JA vu. From auditory warnings that may be a whisper lasting just a few seconds to even the touch of something, a tactile experience that seem to be minutes or longer, there are various ways in which humans connect on the spiritual plane or realm.

And there are just as many reasons or intentions as there are experiences. So whether a physical healing, an emotional form of support or even prayers or manifesting that becomes realized, almost all humans have been blessed with some form of a spiritual or supernatural experience.
Be sure to tune back in next week as we share more of our own personal journeys, or tales shared by family, friends and even clients.

And the one thing that exists universally among the collective and each of us individually is the ability to believe. No matter your experience, the intention and outcome, all become contingent on our acceptance and belief that there IS something powerful out there, and the question of such being "real" is quite simply a choice.

We co-exist in a universe that is full of wonder and mystery, and when it comes to our spirituality and the experience, encounters or at times unexplained or logic defying moments in time, what YOU believe is what YOU have experienced. ~

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