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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Into the wild"-Surviving on Spirituality - Part 2

May 6, 2016

"Into the wild"
Surviving on spirituality
Part 2

While there are certainly many humans that have already embraced the lesson or energy and dedicate or live their lives' surviving on spirituality, many have yet to do so. And of course this is intended for those that have either lost their path or their spiritual survival or for the many humans that have never considered or survived in this energy or way of creating and navigating life and all that comes with our journey.

We can define the meaning in this specific context as acceptance that we are still human beings which does equate with certain boundaries and/or limitations. It more importantly however is a way of life, the "survival" of our existence that is centered and reliant on our spirituality. While religion or patterns and belief systems may be a part of the spiritual influence; this reference is true and absolute or pure spirituality. So the "requirements" if you will to survive on spirituality are of course to embrace we exist as spiritual beings, we all have a soul, and our quality of life is determined by our power in that belief. It also relies on the ability of one to recognize there is something "out there"; there is some form of a creator or source even if that is simply the universe. And within that there exists a realm that while it may not always be visible, heard or felt is as real as anything and exists as a constant even when we are not directly in correspondence. To try to sum up this ideology or theory of living, being and creating would be to view spiritual survival as the core from which all things develop are attained, joined, united and either embraced or released. That implies then, that we can accomplish anything and everything via the survival or our spirit and it is out spirituality that defines us, and stops us rather than the emotional or physical. So as an analogy; if we suffer from disease when we are connected via spiritual survival it is our soul or spirit that dictates what we can or cannot do, rather than our physical body dictating to our spirit or core energy. And let me add that as mentioned, we do or can have some limitations; this is not meant to be irrational or to suggest that someone paralyzed can simply "will themselves" to walk again. Unless granted a miracle, that is not likely to occur. However it DOES imply and in truth means that being paralyzed, sick, limited or physically challenged is not our self-image or definition and does not stop nor limit us from achieving our goals. And an amazing example of "spiritual survival" would be the famous young woman, Helen Keller. While there has been some debate over the exact cause or causes; the most widely accepted theory is that she suffered from a severe infection as an infant (approximately 19 months) and medical diagnosis and treatments were often too late or inadequate. With the destruction of her hearing before she had fully mastered language, she was left totally blind by the infection as well. Helen Keller was much like a feral animal, communicating with grunts and groans and in constant chaos. She could not see, hear and therefore had no way of communicating. As many of us know from the books and movies written about her life story; her family out of desperation hired a private teacher/tutor Anne Sullivan, who had was nearly blind herself from an acute infection she suffered around the age of 8-10. Anne became famous for breaking through all the barriers and teaching Helen not only sign language but manners and later going to college with Helen where she received a degree. What Anne Sullivan did was amazing, but the moral here is that if not for Helen's spiritual survival, and the existence and precedence of her soul/spirit over all other limitations, she would not have lived the full and incredible life she had. She traveled with her constant companion, Anne and gave inspirational lectures and speeches across countries. Some in sign language, others written in Braille and helped deliver to the masses by Anne. Helen Keller became an icon and certainly iconic for the power of spiritual survival and what we are truly capable of when we allow our spirit to choose what we can accomplish.

And the beauty is that we are all equal in our capacity to rely upon and look to our spirit for guidance, insight and achievement. While we may not be able to invoke a Mercedes in our driveway, there is nothing within our being, energy or purpose that cannot be found, embraced, achieved and celebrated when our spirituality is in control.

Therefore we define spiritual survival as our own inner faith, trust and reliance upon our spiritual being to lead and guide, and survival becomes to mean more than just physical existence. Those who abide by or defer to their spiritual being or energy (I often refer to this as the top of our pyramid) do not avoid life's challenges, they or we are not "luckier" than other humans and it is not a form of magic or instant success, internal or external. What it is however is the energy, balance, joy, harmony and again that unbridled and unstoppable faith and hope that drives us onward no matter the current circumstances.

It is an inner wisdom, a feeling of safety and comfort in knowing that what we need will be provided. And that may be a lesson or may not always be aligned with everything we "want". There are always some visions, or desires that simply are not serving of our greater or highest good. And when we rely on spiritual survival to decipher need from want, fact from fiction and life is viewed as all things being possible, we have unlocked the secret to true survival.

And yes of course we need food and shelter, but our spirit is aware of our needs as humans and does not allow those true needs to become lacking. However when instead we attempt to maneuver through life via emotional or even physical survival being above or beyond the spiritual; we may exist and we may live, but that is all we are really doing. We are not able to reach that highest star or fulfill what may be deemed impossible based on our physical self or even emotional. It is only and through our truest spiritual survival that ALL things become possible.

Next, how we learn or relearn to rely on spirit. ~

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