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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Independence and the right to pursue happiness" Part 6/conclusion

Jul 18, 2016

"Independence and the right to pursue happiness"
Part 6/conclusion

As we conclude this series on spiritual independence, perhaps the most significant message, guidance or insight to be conveyed is that in spirituality there are no absolute "alones" or total and complete independence.

There is and always shall be some vibrational (energy) or influence of overlapping of each unique spirit and the human in which it subsides. Add to that the ever-present collective or universal and of course that which is the Divine and the result is cumulative rather than formative. So although it certainly is our quest, journey, path, purpose and vision to follow our own unique and individual journey; spiritual independence self-defines.

To follow, to seek or to achieve spiritual independence is more closely defined as that of empowerment and/or the ability to self-fulfill our created prophecies, visions and quest for the future. So this then indicates that "spiritual independence" is the extension of the journey or perhaps even more basic the premise or even foundation for the journey. And when it comes to using the term "independence" it can be conflicting, chaotic and even misleading. In almost all other scenarios or definitions independence is equated with the ability to overcome or conquer circumstances or situations without the need for assistance, intervention or aide. However when it comes to our spiritual self or core and therefore our independence it places a very different meaning an infers a different energy. We all are connected via our energy, that level of light that shines within all "earthlings" whether human, plant or animal. And when we set out to achieve spiritual independence the first steps are always based or arisen from the contrasting belief that again spiritually there is never naturally true or total independence. And those that attempt to push away the "collective or universal" or perhaps even deny or ignore the significant influences, almost always result in some type of destruction. So as my guides have provided or attempted to provide the major or most prominent influences. If one were to seize or attempt seizure of spiritual independence in the same way, shape or method of other virtual agenda's it would be positive. However any total spiritual independence means lack of connection- this takes our energy/being/core "off the grid" and out of and away from the mass light and all the positive and flowing vibrations.

So ultimately spiritual independence is more in harmony with self-validation and keeping an open mind, heart and spirit. It becomes the empowerment to seek our destiny, regardless of that or those specifics because we have found and/or embrace the collective that we are never fully detached or separated from. It is a bit like always having a backup plan and a person, place or even thing set to save or prepared to step in when or if needed.

Spiritual independence is also the recognition that although there are many universal purposes, intentions and paths, there are also within those our unique take or how it becomes interpreted by our spiritual, emotional and then literal being.

Spiritual independence is the gift we give to self and to others, simply by acknowledging and living within that premise.
So while there are millions of paths or journeys to independence, validation and the empowering ability to recognize self. The collective, universal and all the many branches each can offer including all untapped resources that wait in the future.

So as we close with an attempt to understand and honor spiritual independence; we can consider such to be the energy that provides for the greatest mobility in self-expression. It is not in being alone or lonely, nor is it to prove or disprove. It is the traced line that is drawn across the sky that lights the way both going forward and upon final destination.

Spiritual independence is the healthy dependence on what flows, not what is squeezed out, or pushed, but that which flows and is accessible via our beliefs, validation and all that which helps us to move forward, no matter what is not nor what has been.

It is the eternal state of light, and represents the eternal state of life, lived and continually created. ~

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