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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Independence and the right to pursue happiness" Part 4

Jul 7, 2016

"Independence and the right to pursue happiness"
Part 4

In general when we think of the work "independence" and our right to pursuit happiness or whatever career, life or lifestyle we choose to envision and then manifest via our focus and dedication. We generally do think of a career, higher education with a specific major and being self-supporting and self-sufficient. So as mentioned whether that is moving from home as a young adult or perhaps learning to move on after the loss of a partner whether by death or choice, it reflects or defines our ability to exist or become self-reliant. We are not dependent on another person for the basic needs of life.

When we talk about and look closely at spiritual independence and our right to pursuit happiness; the meaning is somewhat the same basic concept but with minor differences that can actually alter our spiritual light and the higher or true intention beyond "independence".

As we noted in part 3, our spiritual independence and our right to pursuit happiness is one of our blessings and/or gifts as humans and spiritual beings. The principal of this theory and the unity or collaboration between our human self and spiritual self must be ever wary of the true or real intention and then be willing and able to follow through in such pursuit without the neglect or disconnection to others or to the collective. It is not meant to imply or suggest that we must have the total support and backing of family and friends, or even our partner or spouse, However it does implicate our responsibility that such pursuit is never intended to harm or even be sought with disdain or by or via closing any/all connections or that which gives or displays common compassion. So as we decipher and then seek our spiritual journey we do so by remaining true to our OWN truth and path, but without deliberate neglect of others, their rights, feelings and as my guides often say; "first do no harm".

My guides share this pursuit or our life's journey towards independence and the pursuit of happiness as we define such to be our personal quest and journey. This quest or the navigation is not required nor is the outcome contingent upon the support or personal opinion of others, but all remains within our grasp along of course with all the potential obstacles that we always face in life. That "fine line" reappears as we attempt and must always be willing to fully believe in self and our "cause" or that which motivates us, but to never allow the sacrifice to be that of another human. Just as there are likely to be those that are unable or unwilling to share our vision, they may also be those that willingly ad knowingly help or share the burdens or sacrifices to support our quest. So for example your partner or a parent may be willing to help financially as you begin a new business venture or complete school to pursue your dreams or the envisioned outcome. For those knowingly and willing offering help, that which comes from their true intention for your success or perhaps simply as an action of love, is able to serve the greater good.

Those which are given with consent, knowledge and are based on the journey more than the outcome are those true and/or pure in spirit and heart.

So that "fine line" only then exists when we covet the outcome, or seek the desire of whatever we are attempting, envisioning or searching/seeking and we find or have absolutely no concern towards others, and are willing and often leave partners, friends and family without any compassion or concern.

So it truly is our right, our purpose and that which propels us to seek the unknown potential and opportunities that provide our creation of the future. We only go astray when our agenda becomes more important than that of any other human, known or unknown and we show no remorse, regret or even concern about those that may be "stepped on" along the way. Our purpose was never meant to be defined as such, and our spiritual independence is a gift to cherish and appreciate, while our pursuit of happiness is our personal venture, but never at the sacrifice or excuse of another.

Next more on examples and how our pursuit and independence can reach higher when we allow compassion and caring rather than dismissing such. ~

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