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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Independence and the right to pursue happiness" Part 2

Jul 5, 2016

"Independence and the right to pursue happiness"
Part 2

Looking at independence from a spiritual view may at first seem benign and simple.

Full Definition of independence (Merriam-Webster online dictionary)
: the quality or state of being independent
archaic : competence 1

Although the definition appears rather brief and simple, when we are venturing into the realm of spirituality and how independence influences, shifts and often defines our view and of course our navigation of life. When we glance at the above explanation that infers simple the ability of being self-sufficient and/or reliant to a point it appears true enough. As human beings we are always at our best when we are spiritually empowered to forego the unhealthy needs that take FROM our independence. However it also can be quite misleading as again we are walking that almost invisible wire or tightrope between a healthy and functional ability to be "independent" versus turning that into a disconnection from the collective, from the spiritual need for other humans in our life. There is a difference between being able to be independent and managing life on our own, such as working, paying bills etc., and feeling that other humans offer absolutely no benefits to our life. Independence spiritually should be our ability to care for our needs, or be able to care for ourselves but also being able to identify the need and benefits of caring and compassionate relationships or even interactions.

Also there are those that become so intent upon survival, whether a result of earlier life experiences or a combination of traits, childhood and experiences has a very non-spiritual view on independence.
When our path towards or living independently because almost a choice between our survival and the ability to maintain a loving, caring and open persona or energy, our definition or meaning has been twisted.

Independence can actually support and encouraged by those that care about us or even in healthy encounters or relationships. For example our general manager truly wants us to succeed and become the sales manager; the manager sees the potential and attempts to mentor and assist us. Those that have allowed "independence" to become a force, energy or an influence that is counter-productive to accepting help or connections can sabotage our life. So for those humans that have deemed independence as a way of disconnection from the collective, Divine or others on a spiritual basis would deny any help from the analogy of the manager misinterpreting such as a potential threat. Where those that have empowerment within their drive towards independence would be encouraged, flattered and actively seek the wisdom or mentoring a boss can offer.

As with many things in our physical life and within our emotional energy, independence is often seen as our only choice to avoid pain, therefore giving in to fear and any risks associated with personal connections. Although there are many that use or allow independence to support their theory of denial, or may even subconsciously use the term "independence" as an excuse to avoid any and all personal relationships, some success is possible, but unity, harmony and alignment remain well out of reach.

Independence is intended and should be pursued as a positive goal, influence or energy. It allows us to achieve or attain our goals without unhealthy attachments or an ongoing need for outside support or feeding our fears of being alone or abandoned. So while in its true form independence is actually empowerment and success in our self-image and the ability to forge ahead, it can and often goes astray, becoming something much less desirable.

For those that have for whatever reason become locked or without freedom when the original intention was independence; life becomes a metaphoric war zone, and many if not all find themselves locked in a constant battle of conflict and chaos.

It can be confusing at times when we attempt to establish the boundaries, but in reality the difference in our quality of life is significant, profound and can create or form the difference between strong spiritual strength that includes independence, versus eliminating or dismissing our inherent need for the connection with others.

Next, ways to differentiate and how each affects our life and path to grace, happiness and balance. ~

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