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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Independence and the right to pursue happiness" Part 1

Jul 4, 2016

"Independence and the right to pursue happiness"
Part 1

Happy 4th of July or Independence Day for all those that celebrate today. There are approximately 16 countries that recognize and/or celebrate the idea of "Independence" with the month and/or date being varied according to their specific or literal meaning behind the celebration. While the rituals or established methods vary as much as the exact nature of what prompts this holiday; all seem to have one commonality-Independence.

Being born and raised in the USA, I am obviously most familiar with our terms of patriotism and how and why this date became a legal and actively celebrated day. Being a major or significant part of American history; the original day was recognized when Britain and the colonies agreed to a truce, and the war for who would own and rule the US was eventually resolved. Although some details vary depending on what view is taken, suffice to say that the "America's" became free from the reign of multiple attempts and months of war to celebrate, finally our freedom.

So traditionally among many time honored traditions and customs or rituals; fireworks are the highlight of every celebration in the states. Our national anthem even commends and gives thanks and gratitude to the tireless efforts of the military and those even as young as 14 that laid their lives' down to win our freedom and independence. The original date in 1877 in which the original 13 colonies declared their freedom via the written "declaration of independence", at some point the date became officially changed to the 4th of July based on convenience and the era of those times. The declaration was commensurate with 3 gunshots, which later became the inspiration for the mass displays of fireworks. Also back during the time freedom was won, many ships and those working hand to hand joined the celebration by firing off cannons and flares, as a media ploy to spread the word that freedom had been accomplished.

Other countries have similar stories, again all in some way celebrate either internal (the upset of a leader) or the external, freedom from attempted rule by other countries and the main theory of independence was born.
After sunset and depending on state laws and fire hazards, professional as well as personal displays light the skies as they are filled with bursts of amazing color and light show displays.

So for all those joining in the procession of this historical day, we wish you a safe, enjoyable and happy Fourth of July!!

Join me this week as my guides take a spiritual look at our "freedom" and the variances and differences from true freedom of spirit and self-versus the selfish and often hedonistic pursuit of self-gratification and that which brings pleasure without true fulfillment. We have been blessed by Divine, or with whatever we recognize to be our source, creator, God or that which rules or recognizes our life source. Among that energy is the positive, the light, the gift of free will and the ability to manifest and create a life that serves our true purpose and will. Just as the various countries sacrificed for the greater good of their people, culture or country while also focusing on self; each and every step was filled with choices. Those such as the US rose to the occasion and fulfilled the collective destiny which forever changed our lives'. It may be difficult to imagine the United States being overthrown and under the sovereign rule of another government or leadership. And the same is likely true of all other countries that refused to relinquish their rights. However we all know that not all persons fought the "good" war. Treason was high and in some places punishable by death. And at the heart of that choice to undermine one's own country or people was nothing more than a desire for fame, financial success or perhaps simply fame or notoriety.

And while the rules or the stakes may be substantially less on a global scale, the spiritual truths and the purity or toxins of what leads one to their higher purpose versus the exclusion of all others, remains relatively the same.

So join us as we uncover and expose the path to independence, and following our own heart, versus the sole desire to overcome, overpower and ignore, deny or carry compassion and accountability for the results and/or outcome of all that
we choose to be, or not.

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