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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Hurricane Matthew"

Oct 12, 2016

"Hurricane Matthew"

When life seems unfair and the questions or doubts of believing in a benevolent higher power.

With the horrible destruction in Haiti and across the southern borders of several states it does challenge one's belief system.

I channel from my guides and trust in their wisdom as there is a great deal I do not or am not capable of knowing or understanding as a human being. I will return to the series, "fixer-upper" tomorrow but for today they urge me to share these words.

Firstly, I am in Northwest Arkansas miles from any effects or related weather conditions from Matthew. What many may not realize or been made away is that our beloved Natalie WAS. Natalie is owner, founder and CEO of Starz and affiliates, running things behind the scenes but always making time for client and expert alike. No robotic answering machines, but a live person that has tons of compassion for all and is always available to help. She and her family were in an evacuation zone and she has finally been allowed to return and assess the damage. I thank God she and her family were safe and her home is livable, sending prayers to ALL those effected and the families that lost loved ones or property to this wide and slow moving storm.

So how do we spiritually balance out our faith and hope with doubts or questions when we watch television or read the paper and see such tragic results rising almost out of nowhere. The meteorologists have their barometric and weather explanations but as humans, it can be so difficult to accept that for would appear no deserved reason, so much is destroyed.

Although it’s not the first hurricane to wreck havoc (Sandy and of course Katrina to name a few) the energy feels to have taken many by surprise and much of the land has been protected from these patterns for many years.

October for those that read the monthly forecast is a strong, powerful month of significant energies. My guides have always taught there remains or exists a correlation between the weather and our spiritual energies, universal lessons and the collective.

Although there are numerous factors in play when a hurricane as strong as Matthew touches down in so many different areas, there is also a spiritual lesson that is meant to be for all, for the collective. While it would of course be a bit less harrowing if our lessons came without such drama, it cannot always be the case. And for those that may have escaped such as myself, I know that my turn will come as we all receive equally. There is or are several lessons and these various experiences can vary in what each individual takes from being within these storms. For some it may be a renewal of gratitude for their home, house or just having family, friends and loved ones alive. For others it may be a chance to see that life can shift in a day, and although this shift was far from pleasant, we accept that a positive shift is equally possible as we journey through life.

And perhaps the most important lesson we are able to receive if we can open our hearts and spiritual core to the message is we need each other.

It is within the collective that many gathered those that work for or with the emergency services and hundreds if not thousands of volunteers that traveled hundreds of miles to assist those in desperate need. If you were unfortunate in being alone, then surely you felt the positive and reassuring energy once you were safe in a shelter or with family, friends or even others in a similar situation. We suddenly bond with neighbors, give all we have and pull together as we are spiritually meant and created to do.

It does at times take a catastrophe for many of us to be "awakened" or perhaps enlightened as to the importance and existence of needing one another. What one man cannot possibly do, many can do easily. And this is what my guides share with me about the frightening and destructive experience our southern states endured. Just as the memories of homes under water, or a highway filled with evacuees, will remain with us, so will the light that did shine. The friendly face that offered dry clothes and clean socks. A bed, water and food. Medical attention for those ill or possibly injured. And all the many responders that put their own lives’ at risk to save those who had refused to evacuate or may have been unable to do so. We are shown pictures of boats pouring through what a week ago was a neighborhood and paved roads, looking for stranded victims, even while the aftermath of the hurricane raged on. Without their energy and willingness, compassion and love of all there are many that would have perished, cold, scared and alone.

It is of course with great sadness that we know there were casualties in this storm. And grief is difficult, no answer or lesson can change that for any of us. However for those of us that survived and perhaps our property or parts of it survived, or friends, family, those we knew were right in the path of Matthew are safe. The joy and celebration and what we did NOT lose is the true lesson and our ability to embrace the hope and the faith that we can and will rebuild and survive. Spiritually, emotionally and literally.

Tomorrow always brings a new day, a new chance and a new dawn. The way we survive is clinging to our hope and finding always, our own state of grace.

I send prayers to all those that suffered in any way during this storm and unite my positive energy with the collective that all are returned to their homes or to assistance quickly and easily.

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