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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Guides and Angels among us" Part 5 Conclusion

Jan 9, 2017

"Guides and Angels among us"
Part 5/conclusion

So by now as this blog series comes to a close, hopefully most following along are aware and can identify the differences between angelic energy or beings and our guides. We should also feel secure and even privileged to know that every human has their "assigned" guide(s) and a direct line to constant spiritual support, guidance and insights.

So while many of us have already in some way mastered a way of intentional interactions and/or the ability to seek insight or guidance. There are just as many humans that may receive feelings, images or just that gut instinct, but may not have accomplished an actual awareness of communication.

So we are all equal in "what" or in the guidance we receive or have the potential to retrieve and that includes support and even insight. And for some in certain situations, even precognitive information may be shared or imparted via images, feelings or in dreams. So while our ability or awareness in communication can vary, the potential or the assignment of a guide(s) never is on a sliding or who deserves what type of scale or arrangement.

So to be clear, our guides' are assigned prior to each life and all spiritual entities or energies that serve humanity as guides are equal in their level or ability and the same for limitations. Because a person is more attune to spirituality doesn't imply their guide(s) is further up on a spiritual hierarchy or wiser, more capable, etc. And for all of us remember that our guides' cannot interfere with our daily life, free will, path and purpose. Although they work closely with our spiritual center and core and know our purpose, dreams and hopes intimately do not allow the right or power to alter circumstances to please us.

When we choose to begin to have a tighter bond or connection and therefore strengthen the interaction and communication with our guides'; the first step is always our intention. We need to be acutely aware of our instinctual feelings or inner intuition and continually send the telepathic message to interact.

Once we have an established intention and begin to be aware of those small or often very subtle signs or feelings, we then begin to validate. Our validation can be confirmed or manifested through a journal, or even an inner dialogue with self, verifying what we believe to be from our guides. An example would be a major career move we have contemplated for several months; perhaps our current work situation has become toxic or we may have grown bored or simply hit a glass ceiling. But because the future is always uncertain, we fear making a change could result in a mistake or taking a new position that ends up being a worse situation. In working with our guides, we put that energy and question out there, whether we write in a journal, work on prayer or meditation or just have an inner, telepathic exchange with self. We will be shown or in some way information (guidance) will be offered, however again without pushing us towards any specific choice. So perhaps we just wake up and we feel very motivated towards life changes, or a new feeling emerges that assures us even IF a career change results in a mistake, we can simply make another change. Or it could be the opposite, and we awaken keenly aware of all the advantages offered by our current company. Perhaps they gave us an extra 2 weeks "family leave" at a time when a family member was in the midst of a crisis. Or we may be drawn to a meeting held the prior month that talked about new opportunities for those willing to further their education, or perhaps move or relocate for promotional opportunities. In all the above examples, those new feelings or reminders are in fact our guides' communicating or sharing their insight, giving us or providing that which we already know, but maybe just need reminding. Our guides do not push us towards an outcome, nor do they change the external world so we might find the most perfect opportunity without having taken any action or intention.

It really is not that important how we interact or connect with our guides, but that we do, and we learn to fully trust this connection. In instances where we keep feeling we need to call home, check on a parent, sibling or child and we do to find they are in need. Whether a physical or emotional problem, again this is our spiritual support and guidance and we are always led correctly once we learn to follow without fear or doubts.
Just as every human is gifted and intuitive, some just choose to develop those and in the case of experts or professionals, that may be their specific path or purpose. So although not every human can necessarily "read" for others, every human being can follow that inner voice, feeling or instinct. Although some see this a bit differently, we believe that our instincts and intuition all come from the input given by our guides.

In conclusion, there is really no wrong or right way to build your connection or interaction between your conscious self and your guides. It requires the believe and faith such exists, the chosen intention to be more in tune or attuned to those little "whispers" or nuances that are actually gifts of insight, guidance and support. And lastly the courage, strength; the spiritual and cognitive desire to follow through and listen. And not necessarily listen as in oratory, but in whatever forms the information is passed on to us.

Our guides can be defined as our constant source of protection (from poor choices), insight, guidance and support.
Angels or the angelic realm and intervention can be defined as miracles and dreams granted by the Divine, God or Creator. Not all humans will need or receive a miracle in this current life. But ALL humans will always have guides, and with no personal agenda, what more could we ask for?

Guides; our constant and stable spiritual counselors that we never have to travel to meet with and never have to pay in money.

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