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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Finding closure; the art of letting go" Part 6

May 2, 2016

"Finding closure; the art of letting go"
Part 6-Conclusion

It is as always my intention in sharing with readers my guides' insight that there is something gained, learned or exposed. There are many differing beliefs and views within spirituality and none can be called "right or wrong". It is always important that anything we absorb put into practice or action is based on our own set of beliefs or the ability to see a new angle or view because a particular idea or methodology resonates deeply within us.

Those with an active interest in spirituality (myself included) often take parts or pieces of various belief systems, patterns and theories blending those together to form or shape our personal or individual self and worldly view.

If you have found this particular series/blog or the way in which it is taught, explained or shared truly resonate and make sense, then as with all spiritual evolutions, it can offer hope, and the potential for processing past experiences and insight into creating our future.

In this series we looked at closure as a process or transition of shifting from one energy into another. It is also important to note that the main or core belief stems from the concept that true closure always comes from within. While external closure which equates to some explanation, rationale or logical explanation or understanding of the loss or the event. It should never be perceived that closure from another source or most especially a person/human to be harmful, misleading or negative in any way; we simply believe that it is not necessary for rebounding, recovery, healing and finally moving forward. In fact we support that any or all opportunities for "closure" in the sense or aspect of attaining some type of "finish" which may include further interaction can be helpful and encourage us in our recovery process and assist in releasing and letting go.

The core of this topic and the energy, influence and factors to be passed on is that closure always exists within. Even in those situations or relationships where there is that "final curtain call" so to speak, we still must look within to provide the actual, literal and spiritual closure that allows us to engage faith, hope and begins the process that moves us into our life and of course our future.

Once we have acquired that pure and unequivocal "state of grace" with any given situation or relationship; we have successfully navigated, maneuvered and completed the steps or process from chaos to true healing and release. Although easier said than done it remains true that all comes from within and that self-validation along with the choices we make on defining our true self versus allowing an experience (whether circumstantial or relationship) to define us instead.

As noted the process and the time can vary with individuals and the significance of the experience. Because life is a constant flow of experiences, energy, relationships and roles; it could be said that to an extent we are almost in a constant or ongoing state of release and recovery. Our spiritual self or being is always hard at work helping or encouraging us to believe in self and the future and to avoid the pitfalls of the past and being locked into, defined or held hostage by any event regardless of its source.

So when we have attained peace or embraced that beautiful "state of grace", we are then free of the hold or unbound by any experience, as one or in conjunction with each other. And it is also of course all of these much like building blocks that have created or helped to create who we are, and for all spiritual beings in this human life, it is always a journey of self-awareness. Just as we never stop learning or being enlightened, we never stop growing and while we face challenges and adversity, we also inspire, aspire, create and become survivors. Empowered and ever reaching to find our highest path and all of the possibilities and potential that lie ahead waiting.

We can be certain that we have achieved our rebound, recovery and release when that situation, occurrence, event, person or relationship no longer carries any influence or power over our life. That does not equate to forgetting such existed, or a profound experience is no longer remembered; it simply means that it is without any real influence to affect our lives' our image or view regarding self, the collective, universe and most importantly- our future. And again depending on the depth of such an event or the trauma associated with perhaps a relationship we must remember we are humans, and it is the natural order to at times still be aware of the connection or the "price" we paid for such experiences. However true recovery and healing is the higher and more dominant energy. Whereas prior to our recovery, release and healing, the mere mention of a name or reminder of an event can cause chaos, anxiety and literally ruin our day, moment or steal ANY of our resources. Once recovered and released, there simply is NO power, all comes from our empowerment and ability to raise above all that was and ready to embrace all that can be or waits ahead.

It is not forgetting, but it is forgiving and mostly forgiving self or forgiving for self. It is not meant either to lessen the emotions or the sacrifices and suffering of such, but the ability to rise above all of that. It actually becomes a validation of the significance and validation of the severity at time of such experiences, but the difference lies in how it now effects or influences our own self and life.

So recovery, healing and releasing all come together, join forces and WE then become the "master" or the "driver". We choose what we allow to remain, and what we no longer acknowledge in our day to day life. So for those of us that has been and continues to be successful; we have absolutely no need to deny or feign indifference, instead we rise above and beyond IN SPITE OF all things.

In fact often times the more significant or profound the transition; whether mourning, grieving or perhaps the extent of the original "damage" thus the more difficult to achieve closure, healing and recovery, the more attuned we become.
It is or are those that have been through difficulty, challenges and truly life altering events, regardless of the specifics that when healed and reset become the strongest and most functional.

The power of the human soul or spirit is truly incredible and that combined with the gifts of Divine intervention are without comparison. And when we begin that steep climb that leads far up the mountain, the trek to resetting, finding our self among the ruins, recovering, healing and rebounding to what has now been created. Once we stand atop that mountain, the view becomes one of incomparable beauty, peace, joy and unity. It is then we truly understand the "state of grace" and the power and influence that true unification and union with self and Divine offers.

Finding closure is a quest of self-discovery and the art of letting go is full of processes, but an art that we are all capable of learning, embracing and creating. And it is never misplaced, nor does it disappear or become used up. It remains as strong or stronger tomorrow as it was today or yesterday.

May you all be blessed with the empowerment of your own spirit and always see the mountaintops no matter where you are standing today~~

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