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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Dealing with Death" Part 3

Jun 8, 2016

"Dealing with death"
A spiritual guide to grieving and releasing; those left behind versus those whose journey moves above or beyond the physical life.
Part 3

When it comes to dealing with death or loss, there cannot truly be a universal standard of measure, nor can we use time or a clock to calculate an individual's personal process or journey through grief. Just as with so many experiences that affects us spiritually, emotionally and cause considerable or significant shifts or alterations in our life, path or journey, every human being moves at their own, unique pace. Therefore using the words normal versus abnormal become irrelevant and meaningless terms when we struggle to regain our balance or piece back together our life and inner self after a major loss. Even the actual immediate reaction or depth of impact can vary depending on among other influences or factors the actual connection or relationship. So while we may "assume" the loss of a spouse or parent for example would cause deep pain that can almost consume our being; such is not always the case. Just as there cannot truly be a yardstick on the grieving process there is also no possible way to measure the depth of grief and all we really have are what we have learned or acquired as the "expected" reaction or response. Each human within their many relationships has lived or resided within an internal place of energy; the relationship being its own entity and one cannot judge the value or lack of by simply glancing through a window or viewing a portrait that hangs on the wall. Only those within such relationship and of course our creator or the Divine know the inner secrets, the cord, attachment, connection or perhaps lack of. Whether such has remained or remembered as supportive and positive or painful and dark. And even then we can react spiritually and emotionally in ways that may be unexpected or even surprising when that moment of loss occurs.

It also is true that we cannot fully or intimately know the depth (or lack of) one's emotional and spiritual response and how a death will or potentially can affect our life in dramatic or significant ways based solely on the external response. There are those that attend a funeral or the rite of passage associated with the death of another appearing stoic, aloof and almost untouched. And in contrast, those humans that wail in agony, virtually unable to stand, focus and appear to have lost any will to live or go on. No matter that reaction, it cannot always be aligned with what is truly felt, for how long that feeling remains and to what extent one's life becomes disrupted and chaotic.

Even for those that no matter the title of the relationship to those that has passed on, such as sibling, father, grandmother; that is only a title and gives no clear or true insight into the dynamics of a specific relationship. Even in those situations where there existed a huge gap or separation of connection, closeness and interaction; surprisingly while we may not seem to feel the impact of that death, it can and often does change the pattern of our lives'.

Regardless of our spiritual and/or religious beliefs, death is permanent in the perspective that those that have passed on no longer exist in the physical world or form and therefore any and all interactions are quite limited if such even exist or can be attained. So while faith and believing in the afterlife is crucial to our ability to move forward, it cannot ever replace the existence of that person in literal and human form.

Therefore no matter the relationship, the timing, the reason, whether expected after a lengthy illness or unexpected due to some tragic accident, death we must learn to accept is permanent in that one facet of actual being.

And for those rebounding, rebuilding or even newly faced with a recent loss (even recent can be subjective) or better yet what continues to feel recent, there is a process ongoing. And although as stated this process defies measurement or cannot be compared to another or their process or progress, there is the potential for obstacles and blocks.

With respect to each individual's energy, the relationship or connection that existed with that person that has now passed on, and considering all the influences, factors. We also take into consideration that the more or the greater their presence existed or intertwined with us in life, is relevant to how we process and/or transition through the loss. Without making general assumptions or speculating on the energy of that relationship, it stands to reason that in general the loss of a spouse, life partner or long term romantic partner would be more difficult than the loss of a second cousin that we have only met twice. Again while love cannot always be measured by the title, it can be measured in the affect, energy and influence over self and life by the time, commitment and consistent or inconsistent involvement within our lives. And even those that may have existed within a difficult, dysfunctional or even toxic relationship; by the very fact that we remained in unity and again our lives’ were enmeshed and included daily interaction, perhaps sharing a home, children, and our past time together. These losses are going to have a greater impact on our future, our ability to recreate our own self without the presence of such person and to build a new life, and learn to exist, cope and be a part of the world in a very different or alternate existence.

When concern is warranted is when individuals fail or lack to make any progress or take a few steps forward but then become blocked or stuck in that energy. Again individuality is prevalent and should be the primary consideration without constant comparisons, but the person or self is almost always aware that their energy has been stifled or stopped.

A reliable and more accurate way of judging whether we are able to continue releasing the past and on our journey to creating or recreating the future and/or self is how we FEEL about our process. For those that remain in perpetual sadness, with little if any faith or hope, and feel lost, broken or distressed, yet desperately yearn for a higher energy; something has gone wrong in our recovery. So in essence we are both judge and jury and it is how we view our own progress or lack of, and our ability to recognize changes, advances and steps that indicate whether we are moving in rhythm to our own transitions or if we have become in some way blocked or stifled, unable to embrace or recognize that or those things which we truly desire to feel.

So for those that feel out of balance, anxious and unable to put the pieces back or begin the true healing process, then it's time to explore alternatives or seek help and support. Whether that is through friends and family, traditional counseling and therapy, joining new groups or beginning a new hobby, or seeking spiritual guidance. Any way in which we first recognize, and secondly take steps to remove or identify the block or what is holding us back, is a positive approach and will always eventually lead to success.

If however we feel at peace, even if that peace still indicates a sense of mourning or grief, any bit of peace and again being able to embrace hope, faith and to view the future as the potential is our guideline for showing that we are navigating successfully. So our true comparison or how we are able to determine the challenges of loss, grief and recovery lie within self. We have the tools and the spiritual gifts and abilities to recognize what is an arduous challenge when dealing with death and what has somehow become a toxic frame of reference and overstepped our spiritual potential and what lies ahead; all viewed or compared to how we feel, and whether we are empowered even amidst our greatest grief. Or weak, fragile and totally powerless no matter how strongly we desire to continue the journey of recovery and healing.

Next, why hope and faith are essential to our spiritual and emotional process and must always remain a part of our internal energy.~

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