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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Dealing with Death" Part 2

Jun 7, 2016

"Dealing with death"
A spiritual guide to grieving and releasing; those left behind versus those whose journey moves above or beyond the physical life.

Part 2- Starz BlogTalk Radio, Monday-6/6; if you missed last night's live broadcast remember you can access all recorded shows via Starz homepage, click on "Blogtalk" and there are numerous venues for catching up on all prior shows.

Dealing with such a sensitive and emotional subject such as death can be difficult for not only the audience but the hosts as well. With the highest of intentions both I and Natalie approached this topic with honesty and the hope that by sharing our insights and personal experiences we could offer hope and support to others.

Natalie, always true to her purpose and constant drive of generosity and ambition of helping or comforting others. It's no surprise to those that have the honor of her friendship, acquaintance or as a "boss" or owner/CEO of Starz and affiliates. Natalie emotionally and openly shared her personal stories with death and the trauma and tragedy often following in its wake. Having survived the loss of both parents (and being an only child) and also her spouse of more than a decade; she is truly the icon of "grace" with her ability to be expressive and emotional in sharing these experiences but still retaining faith in what she recognizes as her higher power and/or creator-God.

As Natalie shared the varied emotions felt by each of these separate incidents, and reminding all that grief is a personal experience in which there cannot be placed labels such as "normal" or "abnormal". We all deal differently with these experiences and the time it takes each of us to fully recover or rebound. The key we seemed to both agree on is that we find support in whatever form resonates best with our personality. For some this is traditional therapy or counseling or perhaps joining groups for those that are learning to live after loss. For others it may be their career, staying busy and diving into work. And even those that find spiritual guidance offers the best support or perhaps close friends and/or family members seem to be the most helpful and influential in healing.

While we can never truly forget the loss of a loved one; time does bring unity and eventually we begin to redefine ourselves and create a life that can be filled with happiness and most important can be whole and complete. While some who have lost a spouse or life-partner choose to remain alone while others eventually seek love again; there is no right or wrong choice. There is however the conclusion that so long as we are able to be happy, balanced and fully satisfied with our life as it is, we then have chosen the right direction for our specific needs. It is only when what we yearn desperately to have or be, but time after time seem unable to create, manifest or reach for that vision, do we perhaps need to evaluate our recovery and possibly seek external or outside assistance in moving forward.

We also touched on the difference between the suffering of those "left behind”, who quite often see death as a robbery of that physical life, an unjust end or an unfair or senseless event.

However even from one such as Natalie who has certainly endured more than her fair share of death and grief; we can't necessarily condemn death for those that moves on as being THEIR tragic or undesired end. As difficult as life can be, death is the end of that specific path, and our spirit continues on, the journey only shifted or altered as energy always is.

Perhaps for those that do leave this world, they rise or enter into a kingdom or realm of bliss, harmony and happiness. Where pain is non-existent and every imaginable joy or pleasure is a mere thought away. My work as a medium (connecting with those in spirit that have left the physical world) has convinced me that the spiritual existence is one of beauty, grace and the purest love, that which is almost impossible to recreate or to measure in human terms. Therefore it may be true that death is a gift and a blessing and those that suffer are those left to continue their human and physical life.

And as Natalie pointed out; while there is no magic "pill" nor do we suddenly awake one morning to find that every speck of grief or sadness has suddenly left. It is a process, a transition and one we each undertake in our own way and time.

It should help to bring closure and some peace however to be assured that your loved one no longer suffers, hurts or dwells in pain, darkness or despair. They are now free and can and will always remain a part of who we are and our life through our memories and our love. Even those that choose to love again, do so in honor of that love, not in the sense of ever forgetting.

Death is both an ending and a beginning; for those that move on but also eventually for those left behind. Be sure to read my blog this week as I continue to channel on understanding and dealing with death. ~

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