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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Becoming the spiritual star, learning to perfect our roles" Part 3 Conclusion

Jan 18, 2017

"Becoming the spiritual star, learning to perfect our roles"
Part 3/conclusion

So as we enter this New Year that is filled with powerful, influential and spiritual energy and influences, doors do begin to open and the potential is unlimited. Although life, the future, our path and journey always bring limitless possibilities to the creation of self, identity and purpose. In January and almost all of 2017 these resources feel to be magnified or illuminated. And while the current energies, lessons and universal shifts offer close to perfect timing for learning and/or perfecting our ability to understand and demonstrate our "roles"; this is will always be the highest spiritual path.

For those of us that have or may currently be facing minor shifts, changes or twists and turns along our journey, the ability to respond with "roles" may be a somewhat easier endeavor.

However the real test or challenges of being able to truly act the part or personify the "role". When our heart or emotional energy is in total chaos and conflict becomes a much more difficult endeavor. When whatever major crisis, trauma or obstacle is presented in our life, and even whether a result of previous free will choices and decisions. Or in those circumstances that are way beyond our control and without even at times an ability to find just cause or reason, life can be extremely unfair. Although we can again turn to Universal law for acceptance that "bad things happen to good people" and that Karma and what appears as undeserved consequences often are connected with past lives', destiny and even soul contracts. However aside from our highest spiritual cache, we are not priveledge to those reasons or explanations and are expected to accept the "hand we are dealt" when doing so feels virtually impossible. It is these major events and those so completely unexpected and not understood that affect our ability to step out of that darkness or pain. To then assert our spiritual core/self into a role that can and will eventually lead to a total state of grace, acceptance, balance and eventually happiness.

And taking on the role of what in a sense is the projection, hope or perception of our future is just not an easy task. If it were a simple or easy transition, intention or agenda, few of us would struggle in the way most or many of us currently do.

It's also important to be able to balance out or level our internal energies, spiritually, emotionally and even cognitively. While stepping forward even when we may not *feel* those shifts is challenging but possible, it’s not expected that we attempt this prior to being able to process the specifics of our setbacks. So for example if we look at one that has lost a young child, a toddler in what may be determined to be an unbelievable accident. I just saw a news report the other day in which a 3 year old was climbing up on a big screen television and a fluke of gravity and weight caused the set to fall upon the child, causing fatal injuries. (A reminder to all parents that all heavy items, dressers, bookshelves, etc. should be strapped or nailed to walls) In this horrifying tragedy, there is truly no blame on the parents or caretakers. Accidents can occur within a few seconds, no matter how vigilant we are or how closely we monitor our children. This example magnifies for us as to how crippling and devastating certain real life experiences can be. An event such as this is forever life changing, and although recovery, restoration and healing can eventually be accomplished, it’s never going to be forgotten. In this experience, those parents, caretakers, guardians and family members do need time to mourn their loss. It is not expected nor even recommended that those affected would be able to step into that future role- where the pain is duller and they are again able to smile and find happiness or look at past memories and pictures without falling to pieces. So there is a time between processing and absorbing an occurrence without becoming stuck in a place of pain, numbness and being unable to live, to accept and to begin to gather the fractured pieces of our life to continue our journey.

Each of us are individuals and the interim period between absorbing and processing whatever our the circumstances versus being trapped or lost within that energy that causes added pain, chaos, anxiety or grief.

Even in the most challenging or difficult of circumstances and events, it is essential to our spiritual self, our connection to the collective and Divine and our future to be able to move ahead. Taking the lead in impersonating the role can be very confusing and even conflicted in the beginning. We often have so many emotions, and while many turn to drugs or other addictions to dull the pain or to deal with what seems beyond our ability to endure. Our acceptance and as we slowly step into that "role" is our only true hope for survival. Not so much literally but spiritually, emotionally and for the future that always waits with new possibilities and positive experiences.

We cannot truly "live" if we are without hope, faith and even the smallest belief that tomorrow or the future can be improved in some way.

For those working to personify a role that literally requires every bit of spiritual intervention and empowerment, it must be a conscious and continuous effort. And in some cases it may be weeks before the feelings begin to replace the "role playing" and in others it can be months. We first have to identify what we can relate to as the future person, or what we hope to become. Again for some of us there are situations or experiences that will never be forgotten, but we can move forward even with those conscious memories. So part of our role playing or taking on the part of that person we can and will eventually become may be shifted or changed from what we were or had been prior to such experiences. So a parent may not longer be able to identify as a parent in the physical sense if an only child is lost to death, however we are still always going to retain that energy spiritually.

So some of the steps in entering a role that contains or is the intended to help us recover and rebound included the ability to do the things we were able to do before. And in some cases or situations attach to or embrace new experiences, whether that is taking a class or changing careers, moving, etc. What makes the biggest differences and helps us to succeed on the highest level possible is not allowing ourselves to slip out of "character" even when it may feel the weight of the world is upon us. The harder we fight and the more we become determined to embrace that role, and to envision what the future can and should be, the healthier we become in the present and the most stable, balanced our future is able to become.

Life is always about change, and many of us unconsciously begin to portray a role, or slip into a character as an automatic and spiritually evolved way of dealing with hardships. For others it requires reminders, efforts and to accept that to some degree we are pushing or almost forcing ourselves to move forward, when it seems so much easier to remain in one position.

Spiritually however, remaining fixed and waiting to "feel better" never truly works or brings us to that higher state of being. It is only when we understand how our roles work, and the significant influence they have on helping us to heal and creating a future for which we all deserve.

NO matter what we have endured, no matter the pain or challenge, life always is waiting around the corner, and happiness, joy and our state of grace awaits there as well. As long as our bodies live on, our spiritual core/energy/identity and being will be working alongside of us, helping us to connect to that higher place.

It is your turn for that academy or golden globe award, and the more realistic your role, the higher that connection becomes, the faster we rebound and recover, and before long, we become that character and we find once again, there is light in life.

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