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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Becoming the spiritual star, learning to perfect our roles" Part 2

Jan 17, 2017

"Becoming the spiritual star, learning to perfect our roles"
Part 2

When it comes to "acting the role" or playing the part this becomes one of the most difficult challenges we can face as humans. Going back to the analogy of the literal actor, many of us have heard various entertainers admit that a specific role was the most demanding of their career. While the reasons do vary, the main element or common theme is in being able to deliver a flawless performance as a character that was in total opposition to their true self. And that may also include adapting traits, changing even their physical appearance until that actor is as close to a clone of that persona as possible. And consider that often such actor/actress is expected to "act" in ways or respond and take actions that may go against their morals or own traits.

The same is very true when as humans we take on the goal or intention to portray energies, traits and behaviors that are a conflict with who we are. When it comes to our spiritual energy, core and emotional self and potential, the outcome is to serve the greater good. However even that being so or true, makes it no less difficult or without the need for concentration and focus.

As we pointed out in part 1, many if not most humans become lost or disrupted in their roles, life and even hope or faith by choosing to wait. Although waiting will eventually bring a portion of the desired alteration, we are wasting months and even years doing so. Waiting for a pot to boil, and pulling up a chair to watch, never influences the speed of that water. And in fact the energy of waiting rather than living and/or keeping busy robs us of our current life, and time passes us by with the potential for many a missed opportunity.

Our society in general is one of instant gratification and immediate rewards or results. This makes patience, waiting or the concentration, focus and intentions to shift our own thinking along with our energy even more challenging.

Universal law also teaches us that we cannot truly feel the "role" or the identity until we have become and/or portrayed such. After enough "practice" or enacting the role, the traits, energy or characteristics we seek to become, eventually we are no longer "acting". At that point a conscious effort is no longer required and the connection to which we strive or desired to be or become, are not the person we truly are.

For those that may be unsure of the necessary steps or how to even begin such a process, we first need to identify what is lacking or what is the highest potential. Perhaps it’s portraying a more confident job applicant, or embracing our spiritual empowerment towards change. Those changes can be anything from experimenting with different clothing styles to being able to stop or disconnect from unhealthy or toxic relationships or others involved in our life.
As a very simply example; perhaps you have an old friend from your school years that for the past 10 years, you meet every 2 months for dinner to catch up and share. But for this example let’s say that this old friend has changed from the bubbly, optimistic and balanced person you used to know and enjoy. The last year or so the entire time together is spent with the friend totally monopolizing the conversation and everything spoken comes from a place of negativity. Her job is awful and no one appreciates how hard she works, her husband is lazy and spends his free time golfing rather than with the family. She no longer takes an active interest in your life, what news you may have and interrupts if you try to navigate the conversation. At first you felt sympathy and offered suggestions, but as time passed you finally faced the fact that she was looking for help or advice. She wanted a chance to just vent and once the 2 hour lunch was over, then she smiled and said how much "fun" it always was to catch up. Of course she is leaving lighter, all of her trash or toxic waste was dumped on you. And although you have always believed in being a supportive and caring friend, EVERY relationship must have some form of balance, give and take. You now dread these lunches and would prefer to cancel, but you have waited until you feel "strong enough" or perhaps can move past whatever guilt you may have. When we play the role before we feel the energy, in this scenario you would envision yourself as a strong and healthy person that recognizes being used versus sharing. Even though you may feel some fear or trepidation over her response, you call and cancel. Before doing so you imagine yourself as the person you have the potential and desire to be and may even go so far as to view this as a role in a movie, that you must give your best performance. So acting the role, you call and briefly explain that that you will have to cancel lunch this month and will let her know for next month. Although it serves our highest good to omit lies, if we are in the role of the strong, assertive female, we do not require giving an excuse or reason. We can simply say, things have been so hectic and busy and we'll see about next month. While there are those that may ponder going to the extreme in their "role" and delivering a speech that reiterates how you have felt the past few years, her rude etiquette and negative attitude.

Being empowered, standing up for our rights as a person whether job/career of person is always serving of the greater good. However disclosing or retaliating only changes that empowered role you embraced and takes you into the persona and level of energy that you originally found to be negative and toxic.

While this may seem like a trivial example, you may be surprised at how often and how many humans tolerate similar situations or toxic and/or negative energy, forcing upon our self and life that which has absolutely no joy or happiness.

So the steps we take help us to formulate our plan and the greater or more profound the change or shift into a role is needed, the more steps and stronger energy and intention.

Next, when our role is one of great change and requires all possible spiritual and emotional energy to accomplish.

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