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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Becoming the spiritual star, learning to perfect our roles" Part 1

Jan 16, 2017

"Becoming the spiritual star, learning to perfect our roles"
Part 1

If we think about our life, the minor events, the major celebrations, challenges and changes we all experience in varying times and degrees. We can easily see the resemblance or similarities to movie scripts, playwrights and much that is presented as mere fiction. Whether a documentary style, biography or more for entertainment value. For those found to contain enough drama they seem to engage or appeal to a broader audience. So although it’s quite possible that our personal "movie" or "story" may not be suitable for the big screen or tantalizing enough to sell books, in our world, it is everything.

And there are those rather infamous humans that whether by their success or challenges in life, did in fact receive the glorification of an actual movie, book or play.

However for most of us; it’s unlikely that will be listed among our achievements or life events. And every human, each individual navigates life's journey with all the many experiences that help to shape and influence our identity and core self or value and worth. It is not necessary nor does it lessen or alter that all of these personal experiences are filled with many times of joy, grief, pain, elation, understanding, mystery and in truth every conceivable emotion that a human could potentially endure.

So we all have our role, and from infancy to elderly, that role shifts and changes both intentionally and as the outcome, affects and response to all we do experience. As we begin to look at our literal or physical life in much the way we see those who portray a character or persona. As we watch or read we can become so absorbed in the story whether fictional or other that we often forget for the moment that someone is simply playing a part. It is a role that becomes so practiced and embraced, that the actual actor/actress loses their own identity at least for those engrossed in the plot and/or story lines.

Our life is not so very different in terms of being the actor or star of our own series, movie, book etc. The big or greatest difference of course is there is not a huge audience, we are not likely to be famous and there are no financial gains waiting.

For most humans, especially during the greater challenges, or those situations which are the most difficult and troubling, we universally seem to have the role playing backwards. The majority of humans will often wait, either in complacency, distress, grief, anxiety or even depression before taking any action. Therefore although to some degree their identity and role may have changed; such as the loss of a child or spouse has a significant impact on our previous role. We tend to wait until we "feel" ready to move forward or to take on actions or incorporate a changed or altered role that is necessary.

When we choose or find ourselves in a type of holding pattern, waiting for our emotional and spiritual energy to shift first, we are risking become stuck in that vibration or identity. If we look at the professional actor; they receive awards and allow us to become fully absorbed into that specific character because they emulate that energy and identity so proficiently. This is not just a gift or a coincidence, but a result of that actor (or writer) practicing, rehearsing and embracing that particular character long before the shoot begins or the book goes on the shelf.

We have seen all the various physical changes that actors invest in to become closer to being that actual character, person or persona. For those that may keep up with the entertainment industry, there are numerous interviews and information provided by the actor chosen for such a role in how they prepared. Perhaps one portraying a serial killer interviews the real killer or reads over police transcripts or recorded interactions. One playing a priest or nun is likely to visit a monastery or church, talking with those that actually life the real life and even devoting days or weeks to time spent in their company. The list goes on and on. The actor is successful in their portrayal because they FIRST act even pretend to be that character or those traits and characteristics.

And that is secret in our ability to move forward, to embrace life and overcome, recover and heal from whatever life has placed before us. It is not a waiting game, although time does help in all ways. It is the intentional portrayal we display of the person we need, hope and deserve to be, once the crisis has passed. Of course there are in life some events or tragedies which are tragic and profound. And it may not be quite as simple as just "act and become". It can take a great deal of control, strength and courage to adapt to that role or indemnify that future outcome.

However it is the correct sequence and that which provides the platform towards healing and reclaiming our life, identity and eventually finding or creating that new role. We must act the part before we feel the part, and emulate the persona before we tap into that energy on a much higher and real spiritual connection.

Next, acting the part, the steps we take in new roles and finding our way amidst the chaos.

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