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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Balance of the present" - Part 3

Jul 28, 2016

"Balancing the present"
Part 3

So as we continue our journey into achieving or perhaps simply maintaining the energy of balance in the now; we explore the impact of the future. It is a good time to mention that for those that may be struggling in their life or along their path, spiritual guidance can be extremely helpful and insightful. The many talented and gifted experts at Starz have or possess a variety of skills, gifts and abilities to assist you in how best to deal with your particular or specific situation. Be sure if you have yet to use this amazing service- Starz- to scroll through the experts letting your own intuition or instinct help you choose a professional that resonates with your energy and traits. You can read the bios and profiles to find the perfect "fit".

So as we work on our conscious and deliberate intention(s) towards learning to balance our present, as mentioned there is simply no way to totally avoid the energy and "what if" of the future. To a point even as we balance and align in the present we are subject to some changes and shifts. Just as the earth continually moves on the axis, life is energy just as spiritual beings and humans are made of energy as well. And we all should be aware by now that energy is always shifting, even if that or those shifts are so minor or insignificant they are overlooked or occur without any notice. And the future even with our soul contracts, Karma, destiny, fate and lastly free will and choice, there are always going to be changes.

If we can approach the balance with the expectation or mind set (state of being and energy also) that changes or alterations are to be expected we can have a much easier time adapting to such changes which then significantly helps or guides us in balancing the present. So preparing for contingencies can be both those that may be very specific and related to your current situation, circumstance or intended outcome. And/or these can also be that which is totally unforeseen, unexpected and unplanned for.

So as an example if you are balancing your present and have gathered items to enjoy a picnic by the lakefront; a specific contingency may be the possibility of rain and packing an umbrella or other rain gear. An unexpected or unforeseen contingency would be to arrive at your favorite picnic spot only to find it has been closed for a few weeks due to necessary repairs or upgrades. In either case we need the ability, energy and intention of balancing our present. When we are balanced, we are in control of our day, life, mood and path and we are also empowered with how everything external is or is NOT going to effect, influence or even define our higher self, and our ego (human and conscious) self and those reactions. For those that are balanced in the present, the rain might be seen as a blessing from the drought or needed for the flowers and alternate plans are quickly made. Or in the case of arriving to find your favorite site is temporarily shut down, balancing gives you are positive perspective and perhaps you ask around finding another spot that you would never have known about had your favorite site been open.

So balancing among the many contingencies equates with the ability to remain positive and to see these various changes or alterations in plans as potential rather than viewing such as negative challenges. Although they may in fact be challenges to a point, it is our attitude and energy that determines if we "balance" and unite our intention, energy and plan together to find that which brings happiness and joy, or we use any small bump in the road or obstacle as a reason to become distraught, upset, anxious and we are then out of balance.

We all have the ability or the potential to determine how we will allow the many contingencies to affect us. And it is virtually and literally impossible to try to stop or even limit all the many variables we will face throughout our lifetime. It also indicates that it becomes impossible as well to try to predetermine or in some way prepare or become prepared for all that can and may change in the future and even at times the present.

So balancing the present is about acceptance, validation and dealing with life as it occurs. It is our energy and our ability to rebound, regroup and reset our energy and therefore our self-image and even world view as we deal with the many variables of life. And preparing for contingencies or changes, shifts and unexpected situations is meant to be more metaphoric or a reflection of our balance, our state of grace rather than the literal or actual changes we all will endure and face in living life. And hiding out is not considered a positive reaction or response. So if we neither go back to the "picnic"; a negative reaction or one that in no way serves the greater good would be to act or imply that we had no excitement or joy, nor did we anticipate the picnic especially at our favorite spot. Denial is not an option and never helps us to reach a higher path spiritually or as human’s beings.

Balance is acceptance, it is essentially making the most of what we have, showing gratitude and being able to and willing to arrange our intentions, dreams, visions and all that we see as part of our path and purpose towards the greater or higher good.

Next; the consequences of being unable or unwilling to work towards balance both now, the present and the future.

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