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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Balance of the present" - Part 2

Jul 27, 2016

"Balancing the present"
Part 2

As we begin to take a much deeper and detailed look into the various influences that help, guide or assist us in balancing the present; we must also take a look at the past and the future as well.

So first we take an overview of the past and its potential influence when we are working towards balance. As my guides have mentioned in many topics, the past is gone- it cannot be changed or undone therefore it must be accepted. In our acceptance of the past we learn to reach our "state of grace". We learn that the past consists of those things, circumstances and even persons or relationships that no longer are relevant and the past should never define us. The past should also never be our mirror or used as a reflection for the future. Although we do of course carry many positive and joyful memories of the past and many lessons have been taught, learned or absorbed; anything which cannot truly serve us in the now or towards the future is simply wasted energy, emotions and resources. So as we move towards the balancing we carefully select from the past what may be useful without allowing such to define us or interrupt our process.

While it can be a bit misleading in the sense that at first glance balancing in the present seems the natural flow or an automatic system of living one's life. However it actually is a bit more complicated than it may appear and there are many humans that seem unable to create or maintain such balance. As spiritual beings and human beings we are intended to use our energy and to live our life mainly via the present or the now. As mentioned the past can no longer serve us and our next hurdle revolves around the future.

There is a fine line or certain boundaries which may come naturally spiritually or in our core self and energy, however putting those into action in our daily life when it comes to the future creates drama, chaos and anxiety. As we discussed on Starz BlogTalk (see Starz home page for recorded shows) balance is key element to being able to live with an eye to the future or being open to future potential. This is or should always be secondary to the present and is not just about the future in general, but finding our inner validation and balance for the shifts or twists and turns that often occur as part of our future.

So when we begin to explore "balance in the present"; we are aware of the existence of the future and may be prepared for possible contingencies and/or changes without placing all emphasis on the future as a specific outcome or even that which is general.

As with all things spiritual and emotional our inner gauge for what is working or otherwise successful is our ability to embrace consistent peace, harmony and that amazing state of grace. For those that are in harmony and united in the present, they have found the balance and therefore are not living well beyond what is or what could be. Instead we are living in what exists and is now and making the most of each moment and our various circumstances not just with faith and hope but with the ability to be happy and flexible.

In fact our flexibility is a key component or factor in how we balance the present and whether or not we are able to place the importance or order of energy and creating our life, path, journey and potential to the highest outcome.

So for example those that are unable or unwilling to live in or accept what currently is and instead forego all the resides or exists in the now in exchange for the future, there cannot be true balance. However it can also be said that while we are intended to embrace the now or the present, we are not necessarily encouraged to give absolutely no thought or concern to our future and what lies ahead.

So take a job or career for example; while it is most important to work hard at our current assignments and duties, giving our very best and focusing on the present. We may also keep in the back of our mind that each of our choices and the way we pursue our career should also include the various possibilities for our future. This may include raises, promotions or even perhaps an eventual transfer or change to another location, title or branch. At the same time, we cannot find balance if each of today is skipped and/or ignored so that we are only living for the validity and the potential of what lies ahead. We not only can miss out on important validations, lessons and learning, but we are also closing the opportunity of the future to be smaller and smaller. And eventually we can literally become of such energy that we are closing many more doors than we are being open to or for.

So to start with, the first steps in balancing the present are releasing all that is unnecessary from the past, embracing the now and learning to be open to all or any possible outcome for tomorrow. And while for some this may at times be an easy or flowing task, in many instances especially when we have our minds or hearts programmed towards an outcome, limiting.

And the result then is rather than allowing our life to be carried by the currents of free will, choice and fate; instead we are denying access to all that which exists as possible outcomes, contingencies and outcomes.

Next, the contingency plans; the balance for now and then. ~

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