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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - August 2016 Guidance

Aug 1, 2016

August, 2016- Spiritual forecast and monthly guidance
"Continuing the pursuit, when enough is not enough"

August enters as a strong and formidable energy as we move well into the second half of a very formative year. After experiencing the gentler tugs, urges options; August goes right to the spirituality of all matters and quite literally asks, is this enough? From jobs and careers to love and investments August is ripe with potential and possibilities are everywhere. The only question is are YOU ready or have you had enough?

1) Universal lesson and message;

For August there is no need to guess or analyze the lesson and messages are very clear and may even be a bit repetitive. August is a powerful and profound month but not necessarily one that is without its own source of challenges and obstacles. For most humans we have likely acquired all that we truly need, and what we missed in prior months we can easily catch up the first week or two of August. The lesson and message go hand in hand and are easily defined by asking if what we have now, all that we have accomplished or created thus far, enough? And aside from a few very specific situations the answer should be NO! Our time for reflection and patience has passed and like a bidding war, August carries this huge backdrop that is filled with creations, potential and various energies and influences that can be added to what already exists in life, or that which we are preparing towards. August calls out to those that desire a bit more, spiritually we are in a strong vibration that has the power to carry us further than we could have imagined. So the lesson and the message awaiting our response is reaching or aiming a bit higher. Dreaming bigger and seeing our world both our spiritual core/self and the external, physical and literal world. There truly is so much waiting; the potential and possibilities are endless and much to be gained. The only block or obstacle that can hold us back or in any way keep us from pursuing these added "features" or the alternate paths is our reluctance to take additional risks. It also is the belief or the fear that we have "enough" and that those that try too hard or continue to pursue dreams, paths, and outcomes risk losing all that has been acquired. Of course this it totally false but the feeling is real and why we cannot allow fear to define nor dictate our choice and/or path.

2) Love, relationships and romance;

Because the energies and influences are bold and even a bit brazen, there feels to exist numerous opportunities and potential when it comes to social interactions. For those that are accepting of the risks and challenges, there exists a very likely potential of meeting our life partner and soul-mate. And at the very least, romance is abundant and those that have mastered the "balance of the present/now" are able to embrace various relationships that each has something unique to offer. Platonic friendships and family dynamics will be a reflection of their original energy, both positive and negative. So for those that are used to a pattern of loud squabbling or passive acceptance there should be little changed unless WE make the shifts or role changes to serve the greater good. For those in existing relationships; we have been dealing with strong energies since the beginning of 2016 and August can be almost a bit antagonistic. For those in relationships that just are not able to offer harmony, unity and a true future, turmoil will ensue and it may be easier to leave than to fight back. The strength of August simply is not supportive of complacency and as we have seen in prior months, events, catalysts and even our own visions of happiness, love and romance may finally be enough to jump start our path. And as a result it may feel that August is a month of equal numbers of break-ups, and weddings, engagements and even cohabitating, basically taking that next step forward. Those trapped or that allowed themselves to remain in a less than inspiring relationship will soon find chaos meets them at the door and for many humans their morals and character may be tested for the first time. Which means that when fear holds us back from taking those necessary steps in August it's quite possible we meet someone else, and this is applicable to those not looking nor seeking. The UPS delivery driver, the auto-parts store, remember August is saturated with the energy and influence of the greatest good, taking action and creating our life with every possible asset or facet that brings happiness and leads to that which we have manifested.

3) Jobs, career, business and real estate;

As my guides mentioned last month August shows some changes in our economy. Some of these changes will revert back later on, but for now the price of fuel and all things associated with the necessities of life will take at least a small jump upward. Jobs and career opportunities are plentiful and many companies will be continuing to expand, therefore offering many new positions and even new titles and creative roles. As mentioned in prior months and even more true in August, be sure you are qualified and dedicated to that which you apply for. The energy even for those unaware of a person's energy or aura is going to pick up on something. It is vital to be considered AND to be chosen and then fit in amongst existing employees that you are fully qualified and literally charged and full of anticipation for the position. For those that make the mistake of trying to make a switch simply for the money, or other superficial intentions, it will be very difficult if not impossible to stay afloat and you could easily find you are let go. That same strong energy that is urging and guiding humans is also working within businesses and careers. As far as self-employed or those with their own business, again it all relates back to that true intention. Those that have been following their true path and purpose will continue to experience success and should take full opportunity of August by advertising, word of mouth and customer reviews. August offers us a chance to see business really begin to flourish. In real estate it will be a bit better time to buy than to sell. As the price or housing goes up, there is still an overabundance of homes; therefore the competition to sell is difficult. Those looking to buy truly have their pick and will also find prices or sellers may be quite negotiable. It will not be impossible to sell, just a bit difficult and next month it seems to be the opposite. So all in all it August will be a strong, economic month.

4) Weather patterns and trends;

As usual the weather patterns mimic the spiritual lesson and messages. For the most part August will hold tight to expected trends and patterns for each location, whether summer or winter. Although there is more stability than chaos, when we do have storms these will be very strong, intense and there does appear to be the propensity for damages. It feels that most of the larger, more destructive forces will occur in expected areas and involve water or those that come in from the oceans and seas. So we can and will likely experience hurricanes or those that are close to hurricane type patterns, tornadoes and even just thunderstorms that are exceptionally strong. It is also possible as we are currently seeing fires in many of the drought areas that more fires will be possible and the biggest threat appears to be from lightning strikes. All in all the weather feels/seems to be fairly expected which in most prior years have included large and often damaging storms.

5) Politics, leaders, government, media and security;

As we know here in the US there has been at last a final decision regarding our upcoming presidential election. As far as other countries and leaders, we continue to see changes within the people, those that elect and have the power to change or revise those in power positions. Because August has powerfully strong energies, both sides (the people and leaders) have somewhat equal influence or energy and the people must use their spiritual energies to combat both leaders that are not leading for the greater good. The media should maintain their higher energy although do not mistake honor for weakness. There are many that feel determined to get their stories out, and those that speak the truth will not be stopped. Their stories will be heard and will rise above those that only intend to cause disruption and chaos among the crowds. We have recently seen a different type of threat, with armed killings over judgments and those that are intolerant. As my guides have mentioned we MUST band together against "profiling" and/or holding accountable one group or race because of one or two people making terrible mistakes or errors in judgment. As far as the real threat to global security, we will continue to see issues and my guides feel we will experience at least one attack although not in the US, the location feels far away, east I believe. It is a continuing battle but we CAN and will win, we have to rely on all sources and most especially our spiritual energies.
In conclusion, August is a great month with powerful, strong energies that encourage us to take a bit more, try a bit harder and dream a bit bigger. For those that accept the challenge and risk, the rewards are amazing and there shows to be endless possibilities. There is nothing to hold us back except fear, and fear is an enemy that preys on our weakness holding us back, when we need to be moving forward.

For this month, August there is much to be gained, and spiritually there is little to risk, in fact there are greater risks in not taking advantage of what is offered. So go for a bit more, it is time to be able to scoop up all that life is offering and then some, while the universal energies are offering so many choices and chances.

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