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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Animal totems and guides; Starz BlogTalk Radio - Part 2

Nov 22, 2016

Animal totems and guides; Starz BlogTalk Radio
Part 2/conclusion

As we concluded our 2 part show on anima guides and totem we were able to offer our insights along with personal experiences as well. It was as always a show filled with varied outlooks and or theories, giving listeners an entire repertoire from personal, professional experiences to what we have been shown in the form of insight, guidance and common themes and/or beliefs. The show air every Monday night from 8-9pm EST. All shows are live but recorded so for those that may have missed part 1 or 2 or would like to listen and browse previous topics; click on "Starz Radio" and the link will take you to a page that offers a variety of choices in listening. This is an especially fascinating subject in which a reading or chat with a qualified, caring, expert can assist you in determining your animal totem or guide. Also working with your energy for hidden symbols or even conscious events that may seem random but are all relevant to your "animals".

As always Natalie is never at a loss for words and her empathic wisdom is always so tangible as she helps us all to see the world through her eyes, a much more beautiful scene than the majority of humans probably see. Natalie has such a spiritual light surrounding her and she truly is full of pure grace. She is excited to learn through the topics and especially excited to share when she gets a flash of clarity and sudden meaning.

It truly is always a an honor, pleasure and just a warm, spiritually refreshing experience to co-host with Natalie and our energies and thoughts are the perfect blend for this forum.

So when we look at animals, whether as guides or totems; we saw, felt and were guided to share this as being the truth or what we found to be accurate.

There does seem to be some differences in what an animal totem is or encompasses compared to an animal guide. We are all individual and so our totem, guides and animals can vary from human to human. For most of us, we have more than one, likely a minimum of 3 and as many as 5 or more! While the specifics of their "duties" or actual assignments, energy and/or intended "job" can vary and there is at times a need for overlap.

There feels or appears to be the main or most significant purpose of protection, guarding us from spiritual intrusion, along with offering wisdom, input and assistance in all aspects of our current life.
It makes sense also that our purpose, path and journey both in the current physical life but also all prior lives' that have led up to this potential energy and state of being will have an impact on our "animals" and the way and even how strongly they become involved in or impact and affect our lives'.

It also feels to resonate universally that whether we seem to carry an affinity or connection to a specific animal, and these are almost always those which are not the typical "pet". It does not necessarily gauge our connection or even the amount, type or "job" of our guides and/or totems based on our personal awareness.

It is truly an amazing life we life, spiritually and as humans and understanding and connecting to perhaps an owl, tiger, giraffe of wolf. One is not better or more capable than another.

Be sure to join us next week, Monday, 11/28; 8-9pm for another great topic!

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