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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Animal totems and guides; Starz BlogTalk Radio - Part 1

Nov 15, 2016

Another truly fascinating show, as we shared various insights and guidance on the meaning of our "animals". As always Starz BlogTalk runs on Monday nights, 8pm EST; all broadcasts are recorded and can be accessed via Starz home page. Just click on the link and follow the directions to listen to any of the prior broadcasts in a variety of venues.

As always hosted by Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

Per usual, neither Natalie nor I lacked in adding our insights, personal and spiritual experiences and theoretical questions we always end up answering. As we decided during our casual and open forum of discussion, animal totems or guides can at times serve different purposes and in other situations are able to fill all relevant needs.

It was enlightening (as it always is) to join Natalie as we uncovered at least one totem or guide; a white lion. Natalie was able to discover that these are indeed real animals and although on the endangered list, not yet extinct. A white lion is rare because of the mutation of pigmentation or color but should not be confused with an "albino" lion or any other species. These large, amazing cats are stunning; being both regal and with an air of royalty within the animal kingdom, the male lion is the leader always of the pride. It was fascinating and actually quite fitting to imagine Natalie being reflected in the rare and beautiful pure white lion. Although their eye color can vary from amber, blue, green and even hazel, my guides distinctly showed bright green, almost jewel like eyes for Natalie's "lion"- her totem or guide.

We discussed a bit about whether humans can reincarnate as animals and vice versa, but both of us agreed that was not possible. And naturally we give our psychic or professional insight and guidance but accept there are other beliefs just as in all spiritual topics or theories.
I know my totem is a wolf, and along with a host of other symbols and details I received a vision of this many years ago.

All humans have animals that surround their spiritual energy or are a part of that energy just as their spiritual guides seen as more human-like. In some cases we can make an educated guess based on a strong connection or special alliance we may feel with a particular animal and especially those considered exotic. Being a horse, cat or dog person is a bit different and is not generally related to our animal totems or guides.

Natalie also shared some very interesting stories about her life and affinity for giraffes; quite opposite of a lion or large, exotic cat. Natalie explained how a friend had traveled on safari while visiting Africa and gifted Natalie along the years with various pictures and even a life-like statue of an African Giraffe. So it makes sense to assume that the Giraffe also plays a role in Natalie's spiritual energy or essence and this affinity is likely way beyond just admiration of another beautiful, wild creature.

There is simply never a dull or boring moment with Natalie on air!! No matter the topic or subject something unexpected, unique and interesting always arises and begins a whole new conversation or works as a branch from the main topic, adding new dimensions, much like the colors of a rainbow!

Be sure to tune in next Monday, 11/21 at 8pm EST for part 2 on our animal totems and guides. We hope you join us and although we no longer do readings on air, the chat room is always open for one question or mini readings, usually monitored by StarzPriestessKandiRanson. We do however accept callers that would like to ask general questions on topic or share a story or relevant detail.

We look forward to seeing you all next week!

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