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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon -

Aug 30, 2016

"The Butterfly Effect; Starz BlogTalk Radio Show"

As per Starz regular schedule each Monday night at 8 pm EST, Starz and hosts can be heard live, discussing a new and provocative topic each Monday. Last night (8/30) was a great discussion with lots of surprising theories regarding what is universally termed, the "butterfly effect".

The hosts per usual; Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder and CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. And remember, for those that may have missed last night's show, or to listen to any previous shows, visit Starz homepage and click on the BlogTalk link located at the bottom of the page. There are a variety of formats to select for listening.

Although the word "butterfly" is used it is done so only as a symbol or analogy. And only to indicate that even those gestures, words or various actions no matter how trivial or irrelevant such may seem can and in fact often do have powerful effects. These effects can be as Natalie pointed out much like the snowball theory, growing and gaining in power and momentum with the potential to change situations and most important other human beings. As Natalie always shares her shopping experiences she undertakes with her grown son in tow; Natalie is so spiritually empathic and compassionate she never fails to let any opportunity slip past. Offering a compliment, reaching a high shelf or assuring an obviously new cashier that he/she will be fine and everyone was new once.

Each of these can have powerful effects and be transferred to others in ways we may never realize, but exist nonetheless. Perhaps someone that Natalie took the time to compliment was able to feel much more self confidence at a social function. In turn that created a shift in her energy allowing her to be a bit more open making friends with those she had never spoken to. And for all we know, one of those friends may have had a single son or daughter that ended up a perfect match for that lady's adult child!! And then if we continue to elaborate on the potential effects, they could marry, have children, and one of those children make history by becoming a politician, artist or well known musician.

As Natalie aptly pointed out and I fully agree, this is a bit different than "paying it forward". Paying it forward generally indicates there is some expectation of giving back, where this topic simply understands our potential power.

And that is what my guides added, that we all need or should try to be aware of the power we hold and the ability to change lives. And just as one small shift in the middle of the ocean can cause a wave so incredibly large it hits land as a tsunami, damaging all in its path with the force of over a ton, so the water has the power closer to a brick wall than what we normally associate with water.

And as Natalie always points out, as you can hear the feeling and the smile in her voice; it takes such little from us to give a kind gesture. To be more aware when we are out and about and as Natalie certainly always does, even keep a protective eye out for someone who may just need your assistance.

But for most of us the biggest meaning other than love and compassion is that each decision, choice and path we walk comes with the ripple effect. And we all have much more power in how our choices effect not only our self and life, but the lives' of many others, now and for years to come.

This is or was a topic that may require us to stop and really think about all the actions we take, both positive and negative and the potential that all of these carry in energy. Whether being polite to an agent from the cable or phone company as I shared or remember StarzPriestessKandi's story. In line and needing just the basic foods for her children she did not have enough and was left with trying to decide what they could do without. But a kind and generous stranger spoke up and had the cashier put ALL of the groceries on her tab, allowing Kandi to get all she needed to feed her kids. And of course she thanked her generosity profusely. And here we were, sometime later, and this was retold on the air, becoming now recorded, so it has already had its effect and on both sides, the generous shopper and Kandi and her family, I am sure there will be many more "after effects" to come.

So remember, we have great power, and we must always wield that power with grace and remain humble. Always think of the possible future or "snowball" effects your words or actions can have before speaking. For those of us that can master this art, life suddenly can be a much better place to live.

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