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Harvest Moon by StarzPriestessKandiRanson

Sep 16, 2016

We need to practice #SelfDiscipline today! Today the Harvest Moon will be full at 3:05 p.m. EST (19:05 UTC); coupled by the penumbral lunar eclipse.

On the East coast, the penumbral lunar eclipse will begin at 12:54:42 PM and end at 4:53:59 p.m. EST.

Named after the abundant moon light allowing farmers to finish harvesting and farming of crops in the darkness.

The 14 days old Moon is in ♓ Pisces. The Moon is passing about ∠20° of ♓ Pisces tropical zodiac sector.

We'll experience a Spring tide. There is high #FullMoon ocean tide today. Combined Sun and Moon gravitational tidal force working on Earth is super strong, because of the Sun-Earth-Moon syzygy alignment.

With the Full moon in Pisces Today you are likely to get agitated easily. Don't be so quick to judge, criticize or overreact. We all make mistakes. Take your time and consciously be more patient and polite with others.
#Smile, even when you don't feel like it.

Concentration may seem more difficult today. Just remember "Focus Focus Focus!" Separate yourself from the distractions and get the job done. You can do it.

Don't let your imagination run away with you today. Remember to get all the facts before you come to conclusions. Use the common sense God gave a goose. You'll be better off.

You may be feeling a little down, but don't know why. Never fear! This too shall pass as the full moon does. Try devoting your time to music, painting, poetry, photography,writing, commune with nature or just reading a good book to stir up your creativity, lift your spirits and shed those moody blues!

Today is a great day to Eat Fresh Food. Check the expiration dates of those left overs! Also, avoid over excess of alcohol, cut down on prescription medication doses and take steps to ensure that your doing all you can to aid good health in yourself and your family.

noun: self-discipline

The ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.

synonyms: self-control; restraint, self-restraint, self-command;
willpower, purposefulness, strong-mindedness, resolve, moral fiber; doggedness, persistence, determination, grit "he lacks the self-discipline to stick to an exercise program"

🌟 StarZ Priestess Kandi Ranson's goal is to Enlighten minds, Open hearts & Create World Peace. She's World Renowned to be accurate at Starz Psychics Available For Live Audio or Text Chat Guidance 🌟

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