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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions".

Dec 21, 2016

"The success of a New Year's evolution, rather than resolutions"
Part 1

It is an almost universal (meaning globally) pattern or practice that as we ring in or welcome a new year, we set goals and/or new expectations for ourselves or our life. Although there are some countries that celebrate their New Year at a different time (Chinese culture for example) and there are those that may use a wish or a prayer rather than an actual goal. Even so, there are many more that follow the tradition of setting up what has become known as a "New Year's resolution". And while these can and do vary; for many these are around diet, healthier lifestyles, stopping harmful or unhealthy habits (smoking as an example) and in general prepare to make changes both minor and major.

While at first glance the idea of preparing to release a bad habit or to incorporate in our lifestyle or life that which can lead to better health, physical, emotional and even spiritual, more fail than succeed. As humans we are generally aware of what may be lacking in our life or lifestyle or those habits, patterns or behaviors which either hold us back from our potential or may be toxic in some way to our greater good. The problem with setting ourselves up with often huge expectations of eliminating or beginning something that creates or would create a significant change is the reliance on human dependency on a specific day. Although New Year's Day is significant in terms of the universal, collective and creator's energy shifts towards new or alternate lessons, therefore there are often spiritual changes that begin. And many of us feel without understanding these spiritual shifts or alterations from the prior year or years in some way.

However in looking at our individual capability of attaining success and then maintaining that same success or accomplishment, we have to look deeper into intentions and how these can or cannot be manifested. Always of course there are exceptions, but generally as humans we cannot suddenly stop eating our favorite snack, simply because the date on a calendar WE (humans) created has changed. So the first influence or factor is to expect that we can become or change into something different simply by the element of a 24 hour shift. My guides have always upheld and shared what they believe to be part of our universal laws that time in of itself, cannot and will not create changes.

So as we are now virtually only 10 days before another "New Year" moves in, many of us are already deciding, planning and setting up our "resolutions".

In this series we will look closer at the differences between creating or intending a resolution, how and why it often fails. And what and why an "evolution" can actually be what is needed for change.

We will for this content and in this context define evolution; the process of intending, manifesting and creating a shift in our spiritual energy, emotional affect and the way in which we relate to self and others. An evolution still can involve similar and at times the same types of changes that a "resolution" would or is expected to, however the success rate goes from 20-90%! (Estimated or theoretical figures, no data actually exists)

So before one gets too committed to another resolution that falls apart or dissolves for a variety of reasons and influences, we will look closer at evolution and how that transgression or process can actually encourage, support and assist us in change.

Next, more on understanding or comparing evolution versus resolution.

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