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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The greater good, the influence and power of the collective" Part 1.

Nov 7, 2016

"The greater good, the influence and power of the collective"
Part 1

In most spiritual circles or even in general, the term "collective" and sometimes "universal" is used frequently. For the most part the definitions or meanings are identical or equal, however for the sake of those that may be unfamiliar or interpret various meanings or definitions. So to begin with in this series (and whenever I channel my guides') the "collective" is defined as the spiritual energy of humanity or all humans as a whole, unit or connected as one entity. It does not mean we all think or act alike, nor does it infer that we are simply replicas of one another with differing external shapes, color and sizes. The collective is the bond or the spiritual connection that is subconsciously shared amongst us all. In prior topics we have discussed how for example, a significant weather event can and usually does effect in some way most if not all of humanity. We also recently looked at the potential for lessons to be designed or created for or perhaps even by the collective; even though within that mass of energy there are those that have already learned such lesson or grasp the concept being illuminated.

Because the collective energy; which is a connection or bond shared by all is not often spoken about or often considered as significant, we can at times forget how important and profound it truly is. In our blog that discussed the power of Divine, source or creator we discussed a bit about how the collective is used as a tool or even how this ever-present energy is constantly shifting and shaping our society, world and even the universe.

So we now take a much closer look at the meaning, the power, the full definition and how the "collective" becomes, and is the greater good of all humanity and that of our spiritual connections to one another.

The collective can be the recipient of the Divine energy, influence and/or power yet it can also be the creator of such. When the collective energy creates or shifts energy and/or influences this is generally done subconsciously within our spiritual core and not an actual deliberate act or action. There are however a few exceptions to this which we will discuss as we delve further into the greater good.

Now we look at defining for this purpose and in this specific topic the meaning of the "greater good". As my guides explain, the greater good is a piece or a part or some portion, influence or factor of the energy that is shared amongst the "collective" that is intended to elevate our spiritual energies, intentions and all relative to our spiritual and human potential.

We cannot truly eliminate even one person from the collective as not being of the "greater good" because it is the collective (or the collection of all) and even those, whose actions may seem in conflict with such, are still the "greater good".

As the US election approaches, my guides remind us that this lesson or this topic, idea and spiritual understanding must be embraced and accepted now more than ever. For many this is not an easy choice and there is a great amount of toxic and negative energy surrounding the entire campaign or "contest" if you will.

However as we have reminded before, my guides feel so strongly about the outcome being within to some degree the hands of the collective. And this means that regardless of which side you stand for or against, and even those that feel there is simply NOT a true, viable and/or honorable candidate, VOTE!

If we each vote not perhaps for our own self when there is great conflict over such, but as a part of the collective, and accepting this is both a blessing and a privilege to do so. We cannot take a stand, by sitting or being complacent. Not voting serves only the self and our pride or ego or for some they feel it shows to others or perhaps even Divine their unhappiness with the current choices. However this is only a way of validating for our own agenda and to justify not taking part in what IS a "job" of sorts of the collective. For those legally able, the act of voting, regardless of for which party or candidate shows that we DO care about the collective energy and therefore have a hand and an influence on the outcome, no matter if that results in our choosing or another.

Next, more about serving or even being the "greater good" and how some of our simplest actions and even intentions are those that serve or do a disservice to the collective, thus the greater good.

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