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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "The Others" Part 4.

Sep 10, 2016

"The Others"
Part 4

Indigo children, star children, hybrids, crystal, rainbow, and numerous others.

As we now take a closer look at "Star" children it’s important to remind that there are many belief systems, definitions and even detailed traits and purposes on this subject and all that we have listed. While my guides always are without judgment, they do however have strong beliefs or teachings of those beliefs on how each are interpreted. As with myself, we remain open to conflicting or that which conflicts, alters, adds or in other ways is different than what is shared via my guides and then shared with the readers.

The Star children appear to have been recognized and/or sent to earth about the same time or perhaps shortly after the Indigo and Crystal children. As we explained in part 3, there are levels of energy both in those that are only spiritual energies and the spiritual energy or soul of those that work through a body or vessel and live a physical or literal life.

Other than many of what we refer to as the "hybrids" and also the "Rainbow" children, (which will be discussed later in this series) the Star children are those with the least amount of alien DNA. And when we use the word "alien" in this context, it is defined and is meant to imply those that have evolved or spent most of their prior lives' on other planets. Because our technology while advanced is still rather limited, we are unable to prove or disprove whether life can be sustained on other planets and also how many solar systems and planets actually exist in the universe.

For many, it is believed that the majority of those with alien DNA come from a specific planet; Pleiades, but there is an overwhelming amount of speculation, so each of us should reach our own conclusion if such feels necessary. To a degree my guides teach and share that it is not that relevant to know the exact location as according to what I have been shown; there are hundreds or more of planets that support various forms of life.

For many and my guides resonate fully with this concept the Star children also known as the "Star seeds" are often considered the first bridge between the hybrid of human-alien. Star children in some ways are less noticeable in a crowd as far as their physical appearance and seem to blend quite easily. There are a few physical traits that are universal to the Star children but are also found in the general population as well, so this cannot be used as the only gauge for confirmation or validation.

They tend to be taller than the average human and this is true of both males and females. While hair and eye color can vary in color but tend to be darker shades of brown and some almost black. Their face shape is longer and more pronounced as in cheekbones, longer noses, etc. Some have higher foreheads, but again they are not so different as to really appear odd and are usually seen as attractive. Males lanky and females almost always thin and/or slender.

Their purpose is the "bridge" or when the metaphoric and literal "call comes in" to assist with humans in the transition, assuming one believes that eventually those from other galaxies will make their existence and presence known on earth. They carry the spiritual memories of the human ancestral DNA and also that of their planet and often related planets. That can be seen as our earth and how many different countries form alliances to help the greater good of all or the collective.

Of those discussed thus far, the Star children appear to be those that have or suffer the most angst during their younger years. Although they generally avoid toxins (such as alcohol and drugs) they rebel against authority and often express themselves as being misunderstood and even hated. They are aware in their subconscious that they come from afar and they are often able to tap into those memories and will share that when they feel close or comfortable with another human. They can and do immediately recognize another Star and oddly enough they appear to avoid interactions. My guides feel this is related to the greater purpose and also to avoid detection. It would be much more likely to suddenly notice something different about a roomful of Star children than when we come across one here or there. While many maintain a solo lifestyle into adulthood, there are those that marry or find a life partner and it is always a full human being, never another Star for reasons above.

The Star children as with most others possess great intelligence and also are drawn into the arts, including music. There are many that are well known painters, sculptors, singers or musicians. This appears to be a gift or a type of DNA process that has been significant in their ancestors from whatever planet or galaxy, so in a sense what is considered a huge gift for humans is simply the "norm" for Star children. They see our human life as often a waste of time and many resources, and although they were sent here for an important purpose, as they learn to become one of us, and one with us, they often struggle and create chaos. They may be the troubled teen that drops out of school because they truly see this as a total waste. And in their energy and with their gifts and abilities it actually is. And in fact as mentioned, many go on to become high ranking professionals or coveted artists in every venue imaginable.

They see the future in a way that is a bit different from say a reader/expert or psychic. It is more in the universal sense and often why they refuse to participate whether school or adhering to rules that they know will be obsolete in the future. So of all this group is the strongest in many ways, but also struggles the most.

They are not especially affectionate but very wise and able to offer comfort and intimacy via their ability to reason and to teach that each moment does not define us, nor do events. So they do impact those they meet and other than the arts are often teachers or leaders in their community. They are able to see a box with a booklet of directions and after studying such for about a minute, put the table/desk/grill, etc. together with no mistakes. They also have natural healing skills, but according to my guides only some of the Star children are given permission to utilize these gifts. Again the reasons are not always clear but it appears that being spotted or drawing attention is the priority in remaining silent. There are some that become doctors, both traditional and holistic or work in other healing modalities such as massage, acupuncture and using all herbal supplements and assistance.

In short, the Star children are growing at a fast pace, which leads us to believe that the main "intervention" is not far off. And the intervention is the encounters on a profound or significant scale of life from other sources. Chances are if you have not met you have certainly seen or come in contact at some point with a Star child. They have a deep, piercing gaze and while not predatory or frightening, there is a feeling they know something. It can also trigger vague feelings of familiarity for those of us that have had experiences with ET'S that is kept safely tucked in our spiritual cache.

They are actually quite fascinating and very grounded in their approach to all things.

Next, the "Rainbow" children. ~

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