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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - .

Aug 29, 2016

"The deeper end of the Spiritual spectrum"
Part 6

As always we begin part 6 which will focus on time travel or the possible ability or form/energy of existing in a time not associated with our current life. Not only is our own personal identity possibly different, but the era or time period is often decades apart, and in many cases hundreds or more years in between our existence. There are in fact several noted cases that have been dubbed as the most compelling in terms of evidence of time travel.

My guides teach, believe and support that time travel is much like a loop or the matrix; the biggest difference is that time travel is deliberate and intentional. Whether it is orchestrated by Divine or higher power for a specific lesson, or a variety of possible reasons that assist us in our current life, these are meant to be. When captured such as on camera, film or by some other means of proof, it feels as though that was not intended or there feels to be a vague conflict over such expectation and/or outcome.

One of the most famous time travelers recorded that is referenced by many as proof, while of course those which totally dismiss this phenomena is the following.

In a 1928 silent and black and white film starring Charlie Chaplin and titled "The Circus" in one clip of the original format you can spot a human walking, dressed in more modern clothes and holding what appears to be a cell phone that the person is speaking into. Although there are many that have tried to debunk this particular clip, it still has a huge following and the supposed "debunking" requires just as big of a stretch in believing as does that of accepting this as a time traveler. A traveler walking past during filming, accidently (or maybe intended) caught on film to be preserved forever for the time when this mystery is solved and accepted as true and non-fiction.

There are many instances in a variety of settings where a human being is caught on some type of recorded device and assuming there is no hoax or prank involved, their clothing, style and associated props are very obviously not from that time period.

Time travel works in both directions; there are those that can and often do return to a time of the past and it is our belief that they return in their own past life as the human or vessel they inhabit during that lifetime. We then also must believe that we can travel into the future. And in that scenario we might see an authentic native American dressed in their own tribe's chosen style which just means drawings and/or markings with ink on the body, certain hairstyles and details of their totally homemade clothing. These are just examples of how detailed time travelers are and there appears to be no reason to disguise the human traveling. My guides and my experiences do however lead me to believe and accept that in the majority of these situations, it is not meant for all to see or glimpse this in its duration. Those that have in fact been exposed personally to what they know or feel convinced to be a time traveler are often connected to this experience and this is relevant in some way to viewing or witnessing such experience.

My guides feel that even with their higher spiritual knowledge and understanding, there are often that which they either are not privileged to know, or perhaps not granted to permission to share, at least not at this time. It does seem and feel that there are unanswered questions about time travelers and that most of us will be given or provided those answers in the future.

So we are left with somewhat of a mystery, but that which is real both physically and spiritually nonetheless. And as a side note, as can sometimes be the case; we are not referring to those apparitions or entities which are of the paranormal realm. Although ghosts, haunts, or spiritual beings that do not occupy a physical body can appear in full at times, without being hazy, transparent or shadowy and are always dressed befitting the time of their life and death. These are extremely different experiences and the energy felt is also different. There are no creaks on the stairs or other unexplained phenomena with time travelers.

In most cases those that witness a traveler do so more as a glimpse and it seems to be outdoors, on city streets, empty and crowded, malls or major shopping centers or just someone briefly spotted in the crowd, only to turn around or look back and find that person has totally disappeared.
So while some answers just do not seem available for several reasons, the following appear are a few of the known or taught intentions or agendas shared by my guides.

One more possible well known story that my guides claim was a time traveler is the "babushka lady". When JFK was shot during his motorcade, many of his fans had cameras and of course the media was there in droves filming the entire day. There were/are dozens of pictures of this unknown female from various bystanders and media. She is shown taking pictures with what appears to be a camera, it's age or brand unrecognized. After canvassing and questioning all of the witness's that had pictures which included this female, and even those that had stood next to her on several occasions, her identity was never discovered. The police and FBI never considered her a suspect; however they felt that it was possible she had unintentionally or unknowingly gotten incriminating evidence with her camera. The news was filled with her image on television and although it was a sad day for America, because of the large, colorful scarf she was wearing it seems unlikely that not one person can recall seeing such a person. Not even those that had caught her on film, including the press which is known for being detail oriented. Although there have been many conspiracy theories, she was never considered a suspect and after months of encouraging her to come forward with what may have been possible evidence, her identity remains a mystery to this day.

My guides explain that she was sent from a future life so that there would be "official" records of the fatal shooting of the president. It was intentional that she would not be remembered and she was able to weave in and out of the crowds, without being stopped or encumbered, then leave without a trace.

My guides also support that time travelers don't just travel to keep records of the past, although that is one of the intentions. They also believe that this is done to assist both the traveler and in many cases those that are witness. These range from reminders of a past life or what life used to be, perhaps when gratitude is needed. Or it may be to help restore faith and hope to one that has all but forgotten its importance.

There also feels to be many situations in which a traveler is sent, to blend in as best as possible, and to simply report back the state of things. So someone from the future would be a reminder of various past events that may not have been news worthy. In other situations, one from the past is sent into the future to carry the universal message of where our earth is headed and the shifts of society. Because this information may not always be done via the spiritual realm, a time traveler can bring back actual physical evidence and therefore help to prove or validate concerns, worries or even that which is positive to those that have yet to be or future lives'.

It feels that time traveling has been going on for as long as humans have existed and many of the drawings found, could be deciphered as depictions of time travelers. For those that lived thousands of years ago, it certainly makes sense that these humans would seem much like "aliens" as their style of dress, and even the electronic discoveries could have seemed like magic.

The same can be said of healing, which used to be (via my guides) one of the more consistent reasons for time traveling. What we see today as simply medicine, and is normal for our time and era, a few thousand years ago, surgeries, amputations and even transplants would easily be seen or believed to be magic or that which only Divine could accomplish.

All in all time travelers seem to serve a greater purpose and are more likely to work for or with the collective, serving a purpose that can and does assist the greater good. While it doesn't seem permitted that major changes can be made, that feels to be a bit of a question, and it certainly is possible. For example a time traveler bringing back one seed, could virtually change the way we grow crops or add to what we consider our staple items. And the same with a potent medicinal property or even something that can be used electronically on a grand scale, such as for NASA or the like.
And it is not uncommon for humans that seen what they can only imagine to be a time traveler, whether past or present, there is sometimes something left behind. And even if we are unfamiliar with such, we can or should believe that it has a greater meaning and is not just a "mistake.

So although there are mysteries still that surround the intention or the actual "job" of the time traveler, there feels to be no doubt they exist and for some can be life changing. And perhaps the next rainy night you are headed home from an evening with friends, you will find yourself looking across at one that you know, simply does not belong to this world.
Next dimensions and the concurrent system of dimensional existence.

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