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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - "Finding closure; the art of letting go" Part 4.

Apr 28, 2016

"Finding closure; the art of letting go"
Part 4

Once we have successfully come to terms with the reality of closure and letting go, we should then be prepared and conscious of the importance of actively pursuing closure from within. Once we accept that true closure or the art of letting go and releasing is always an inner spiritual experience, that which we all have the power to achieve and the gift we give to self; we are then ready to begin to embrace the next steps in this process.

As already mentioned, although the significance varies with the experience and/or relationship, no matter closure is still a process- a form of navigating between our spiritual, emotional and conscious or cognitive self. And being a process means it takes time or steps and is generally not something we can suddenly be transported to. Because all things spiritual and human deal with energy, as we know energy is neither created nor destroyed only shifted and changed in its form or input/output. So although there does perhaps exist the occasional spiritual enlightenment or spiritual/supernatural experiences in which we almost simply "awaken" to that higher state of being or understanding. It is much more commonplace that we sift through our process and transition from one state of energy into the higher which again is often referred to as being in a "state of grace".

So a synopsis of acceptance is the ability to deal with the current circumstances and to face these without relying on denial, compromise or attempts at bargaining with fate, destiny or higher power. In regards to love or any strong emotion we identify as love; we can never simply withhold or execute emotions that have been developed or proclaimed. So acceptance is not denial of what we may feel, but rather control over what we allow ourselves to envision and/or believe. We can validate the love or emotions that linger or continue to exist without providing a platform, or taking actions (or lack of positive actions) that only forestalls the evitable or again denies what we now know to be true.

Therefore the next step in this journey becomes finding faith and hope that the future and/or tomorrow exists alternate potential, opportunity and possibilities. While these may vary from the original dream, desire or intended outcome, it makes such no less profound, and in NO way is meant as "settling" or in any way accepting that which is less than what had been. And this is most especially true when it comes to love and relationships. The more we love the greater our capacity to love becomes. So even those who have loved and lost, whether a literal or physical loss, an ending of a relationship, or that which never was fully realized. All leads us to the ability for a greater appreciation while at the same time often builds upon our existing identity. An answer, the answer or complete and total understanding of why or what has absolutely no real influence on our future or choices for that future and all can be created from within.

So next we must find once again the faith and trust in self and life in general. And this must be done with a certain amount of open energy to many various options and/or outcomes. So for example if our company closes down, whatever the actual reason(s) trying to maintain focus and faith that some "miracle" will suddenly occur and the company will rescind their plans, thus saving our job/career and things will be reset back to the way they were is not the correct direction. Hope and faith would be directed in and for self and the external, so instead we would find the strength to believe that we can and will find a replacement and that within that exists the possibility that the "new job" could perhaps even offer greater benefits than what we have been forced to leave behind. And this is the meaning behind faith and trust in life, in the uncertainty of the future and our belief in self that we can and will find that which we seek. If our resources and energy (spiritual, emotional and literal) are spent in supporting or propping up a theory that has no validation- such as waiting for the miracle rather than actively seeking new opportunities. We have not accepted or embraced the truth and we are only postponing the inevitable, creating more chaos, disappointment and even despair. In this example the person that refuses to accept and seems unable to unwilling to embrace the potential of the future and the real possibility that something "more" can be created or uncovered, those are the humans that end up with nothing. Not only has there been no inner closure, but avoiding or attempting to avoid acceptance and then embracing the future by job searching, it's likely that we end up with the current position ended as it had been announced and all of that time becomes wasted. Rather than taking action and becoming pro-active for self, we have ignored and even denied the truth and we are then creating the exact negative "hole" that we feared from the beginning; the main differences are we manifested the current state rather than to say in truth it was at that time, "beyond our control".

So embracing the future with faith and hope and finding our state of grace all are like footsteps that move us forward along our path, journey and in our life. And while it may not necessarily be an easy energy or path to embrace it always serves our highest and greatest good.

This phase becomes the rebound phase. In the rebound phase we are able or working towards collecting ourselves in all forms and energies and applying our resources towards creating that new life. Or if not perhaps a total replacement (such as quickly finding a soul mate or life partner) we at least are rebounding by accepting and believing that such exists and that the future can offer this at some point in time. Even in situations or circumstances such as finding or seeking a new job or career, rebound is the process of seeking; and not with a negative demeanor, convinced nothing can or will live up to what was. But with an open heart and mind, and the belief that we can and will not just "replace" what existed, but at some level or point even perhaps find or create that which is in some way or ways better, more fitting or simply along a higher energy or existence.

To rebound, means to take action to be empowered, to engage our core self and not become victims or helpless beings adrift. We can often relate as we rebound to past experiences; so for example if we are job searching we can explore and embrace the idea that we were also job searching when we found the job we are now leaving. Or we can say we were looking for or at the very least open to the possibility of love when we found love or love found us, or we became enamored with another human being, connecting on some level.

So all that has led us thus far, universal law teaches also leads us onward. And again assuming we are able to engage with and proudly display faith and hope. Life then becomes much like a ladder so that all shifts, changes and reconstruction within our self and life are akin to climbing a ladder. It leads us up higher, which is always closer to the potential that exists within us all.

Before we can hope to heal or recover, we must first accept and then we begin to rebound. Rebounding is a fundamental step in our journey both spiritually and literally as human beings, and is often a step we repeat much more often than we may realize. While the circumstances or the influences and factors can vary greatly, rebounding is the universal and constant source of seeking all things. It is the intentions, actions, validations and the creation of what is desired, but more so in terms of general energy, or even as the potential of what can be.

So as we provide closure and learn to release, let go and move forward, we must give close attention and devote all energy to the ability to "rebound". And rebound is the step after acceptance, but prior to our healing and recovery. It is the intention, action, creation and manifestation of moving forward and embracing all faith and hope.

Next; recovery and healing. ~

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