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Sharing the Vision with StarzMayaMoon - Starz BlogTalk Radio-Monday 10/16 Soul Mates,Twin Flames & Life Partners Part I.

Oct 17, 2017

Starz BlogTalk Radio; Monday 10/16 @ 8pm EDT
“Soul mates, twin flames and life partners”- Part 1

As always we have our hosts Natalie AKA StarzCast, (Owner, founder,CEO of Starz and all affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon. And be sure to check out Starz home page at the bottom left; click on the BlogTalk icon to hear all prior shows in a variety of listening choices.

We will be returning for part 2 in two weeks, so watch for us on Monday, 10/30 as always at 8pm EST.
Well as usual Natalie and I were full of information, insight and even questions for one another as we sought to explain and share our various interpretations on this topic. And at first glance this could easily appear to be simple topic-however that could not be further from the truth!

Understanding how we meet a soul mate, and the obstacles, requirements or just the potentially rocky road we climb to reach that person was Natalie’s specialty. As always known for the light she beams across all whether you are a friend, listener or an expert on Starz, Natalie led us to where faith and holding onto that faith becomes in part the definition of a soul mate or twin flame.

Although it can be a bit confusing as to the differences (if such exist) between a soul mate, twin flame and then a life partner, as always Natalie opens her heart and soul and shares with us her deepest feelings and desires. This was a riveting show and both myself and Natalie had a great deal to share and add, as one of us offered insight the other added to that gracefully and naturally and probably why we are such a great team! As Natalie also pointed out, not all of us may have met (at least just yet) our soul mate or twin flame in the physical sense but they are already a part of our being, energy and future.

Age, gender, nothing interferes or gets in the way of our destined soul mate or twin flame. While it can be important to keep our energy open and always aware of the unlimited potential that awaits, we should not need to go knocking on doors or take on the persona of one on a desperate hunt to be united. Our soul mates (or twin flames) are chosen long before we come to earth in this lifetime and in most instances we have lived- and loved with this person before.

In 2 weeks we will be back to finish up the topic and discuss a life partner and how/when/why that fits into our path, future and life.

I would also like to thank our guest caller who shared a personal story about seeing a man from across the room and knowing with every fiber of her being this was her soul mate. And it is true, the room or world spins or stops and suddenly everything is seen in living color; there is simply no missing out and certainly no mistaking that shift in energy as our whole world changes in that split second.

So remember we won’t be on air next week but return on 10/30. And I leave you with what Natalie always passes along, just because you cannot see it or feel it doesn’t mean it isn’t real, so believe and never stop!
Read what Natalie has to say on Soul Mates:  Read the post from Natalie on Oct 8, 2017:

Tune in Monday, Oct 30, 2017 8-9pm edt as we again discuss Soul Mate, Twin Flames & Life Partners Part 2 on

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