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From: NJ, United States     StarzPsychic Since: Jul 17th 2013    Last Login: Sunday

Specialty: Love & Relationships

Hello and thank you for picking my profile. My gift of intuition has been with me all my life. My "gut" intuition is very strong and I can instantly get a sense of what is the truth and what is false in life situations. My friends like to call me a "human lie detector." I'm not sure why I have this talent, but it has always been a blessing for me.

My first experience with Spirit was as a teenager when my two sisters and I played with a Ouija board. We quickly learned that method was NOT the best way to communicate with Spirit! But from then on, I was open to my intuitive gifts and I am grateful for the experiment.

My heritage is a mix of Irish and Native American which I credit with being the source for my abilities. There are several close relatives in my family who have similar gifts and work as professional psychics, too.

It is my firm belief that we all have the power to heal ourselves. I also believe that all humans are connected as souls and this connection, when activated, is meant to help others in need.

When I read for you, you can expect truth and no wasted time. You will see that I get straight to the point and bring you the messages meant for you and I am also non-judgmental.

All are welcome here to my little corner with no criticism or prejudice. I am excited to be here at Starz and look forward to helping you.

To begin your Live Psychic Reading with StarzBernie Click Here.

StarzBernie's Reviews

" Bernie is very on point and doesn't waste time. The reading was honest, direct with clear guidelines. It was helpful and gave me clarity. Thank you for your insights."

Posted by: Ctsui1 on 10/20/19
" As always, StarzBernie provided helpful, accurate insights."

Posted by: Moosie on 04/13/19
" I had a great session with Bernie and her insights are very precise and detailed. Her guides know exactly what I should do and the chat was just great. Thank you so much."

Posted by: Ctsui1 on 11/16/18
" What she said came true. : )"

Posted by: RBTeach on 06/08/18
" Thanks!"

Posted by: RBTeach on 06/07/18
" I feel reassured, though she didnt answer my main question, I got answers to several other important questions. Thank you. <3 "

Posted by: Sarah on 03/06/18
" Really enjoyed my reading with Bernie. He answered my questions and was spot on! Definitely recommend."

Posted by: Moosie on 03/01/18
" Thank you for the reading, you were right, there is nothing going on at the moment with my daughter and granddaughter but bipolar runs in the family, I'm sure it won't be long lol Thank you"

Posted by: spark33333 on 11/30/17
" Wonderful!"

Posted by: lam on 03/16/17
" Thank you!"

Posted by: Ricay on 10/27/16
" Thank you so much for that reading, you pieced everything together for me...I cant wait."

Posted by: Katarina on 09/27/16
" Bernie was quick to answer my questions and very confident in the answers, i have a great grasp on my situation and can now relax knowing i will be able to work out the situations. Glad I logged on and chose him, please read with him, he will help you immensly."

Posted by: Hope on 09/10/15
" Bernie's reading was straightforward. As he says, no sugarcoating. Gave me the answers I needed. "

Posted by: Zuki2 on 02/26/15
" I enjoyed my reading. Straight to the point. "

Posted by: starzchar on 01/20/14
" Phenomenal! Bernie is great - would definitely highly recommend a reading from him!"

Posted by: Carolyn on 11/19/13