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Wheel of Fortune - Card 10

Aug 22, 2023


Feeling a sense of destiny
Using what chance offers
Finding opportunity in an accident
Recognizing fate
Witnessing miracles
Being at a turning point
Changing your direction
Turning things in your favor
Having a change in fortune
Altering your direction
Being surprised at a turn of events
Feeling movement
Experiencing change
Having the pace of your life speed up
Being caught up in new developments
Getting involved
Having a personal vision
Seeing how everything connects
Becoming more aware
Uncovering patterns and cycles
Expanding your outlook
Gaining greater perspective
Discovering your role and purpose

Contrasting Cards: a few possibilities

• Two of Swords - being stuck at a stalemate
• Four of Swords - rest, quiet, slow pace, breather
• Four of Pentacles - blocked change, no movement
• Seven of Pentacles – evaluation needed before direction change

Supporting Cards: a few possibilities

• Eight of Wands - rapid pace, quick developments


In Greek mythology, there are three women known as the Fates. They are responsible for spinning the destiny of each person at his or her birth. It is not surprising that the Fates are spinners because the wheel of fortune is an apt image for the elusive turns of a man's fate. This is the theme of Card 10.

The Wheel of Fortune is one of the few cards in the major arcana that doesn’t have a human figure as a focal point. This is because its centre is above the realm of man - in the higher levels (clouds) where the destinies of all are woven together in the tapestry of life. The tarot recognizes that each person sets his own path in life but is also subject to the larger cycles that include him. We experience chance events that appear to be accidents although they are part of the great plan.

The Message:

The Wheel of Fortune is sometimes called ‘The Wheel of Life’ and the ‘Medicine Wheel’. The Wheel symbolizes the flux of human life and the perpetual motion of the Universe.

The Wheel of Fortune combines mercy with victory to being about a change in circumstances, which will ultimately lead to good fortune. The Wheel of Fortune represents life woven and then measured out differently for each person. The Wheel of Fortune tells of the progress we make in our lives.

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the ever-changing cycle of life, wins and losses, ups and downs, unexpected luck, advancements and set-backs, success, and failure - the duality of things.

Representing a breakthrough, a fortunate set of circumstances, the energies of the turning wheel also suggest incalculability, chance, surprise, rapid change, and fate ending problematic times, heralding good fortune, and stimulating development and growth.

The image of the Wheel itself is one of fixed stability intermingled with ‘change’. It indicates that the key to success is adaptability. The changes that occur will be of a positive nature.

The Wheel of Fortune tells that human fate and human soul are one and the same. You are thus responsible for your own destiny. Your fate does not come to meet you - you go to meet your fate.

When joy and sorrow come into your life, it is not that fortune or misfortune has befallen you, but rather, that you have invited it into your life. Everything in the outer world exists within the hearts and souls of each of us. It is our fear of recognizing our own responsibility for the course of our lives that lead us to try to blame fate for what befalls us.

The more we know about the inner-self, which attracts external circumstances to us, the more power we can consciously exercise over our destiny. Many people do not like the idea of such responsibility; they prefer to think that their circumstances have nothing to do with them and ascribe everything to good or bad ‘luck’ or fate.

The Wheel of Fortune reveals a greater force working within; an intelligent and orderly plan behind the seemingly random changes in one’s life.

The Wheel of Fortune asks you to learn to accept the ups and downs and ebb and flow of life. Adapting and understanding the rhythm of life can mean the unfolding of the Universe’s secrets.

Depicted on some versions of the Tarot, The Wheel of Fortune card has three circles. The inner circle is the ‘creative force’. The middle circle represents ‘formative power’, and the outer circle is the ‘material world’.

The Wheel of Fortune is shown being turned by a sphinx, the symbol of feminine wisdom. The animal figures depicted represent the ‘Living Creatures of Ezekiel’.

The Jackal at the bottom of The Wheel of Fortune indicates that things are moving upwards and around.

The wings shown represent the lifting of the vibration to the higher level.

The books represent knowledge and wisdom attained by higher learning. They also symbolize stability amongst movement.

The serpent (Typhon) is the Egyptian ‘god of evil’ in one of his many guises. The serpent also indicates the life-force and/or the descent to the material, manifestation vibration.

The clouds indicate wisdom and spirituality. The sphinx tells of healing and stability and symbolizes equilibrium amid movement.

The color blue relates to healing and to memory.

The Wheel of Fortune is a card of karma. It is a card of cause and effect and indicates the potential for new beginnings, but also tells that you don’t need to go around in circles.

The Wheel of Fortune is ruled by Jupiter and relates to Uranus and Virgo, number 10, and the Master Number 11.

Being connected to the number 10, The Wheel of Fortune tells of productivity and the power of attraction and acquisition. 10 is the Kabalistic (Cabalistic) number of The Tree of Life and signifies purification.

With the influence of Uranus, the planet of expansion, The World of Fortune asks you to allow higher learning to come in, and to let it expand to its fullest potential. It asks that you allow the growth and improvement of ‘self’ to take place, allowing expansion to happen.

As one of the cards not showing a human figure at its center, The Wheel of Fortune represents our uncovering of life's cycles and patterns, the discovery of our soul purpose in life, and the realization that nothing is permanent - everything is always in flux.


Appearing in a reading, The Wheel of Fortune indicates fate and events beyond human control. It indicates good luck or the optimistic outlook that things will have a positive result.

The Wheel of Fortune in a reading may also indicate that someone has a fatalistic outlook on life, leaving too much to chance and failing to make decisions. The Wheel of Fortune in a spread may be asking you to prepare to adapt to changing circumstances.

The Wheel of Fortune in a reading tells of good luck, good fortune, success, and rewards. It tells that a change for the better is about to commence. Things are looking up from this time, so maintain faith.

The Wheel of Fortune may be implying that you are feeling more in control of your life, therefore it is a good time to plan and implement new ideas and projects. The presence of the Wheel of Fortune in a spread indicates that it is important to let things run their natural course.

Family planning issues come to the fore when The Wheel of Fortune appears in a spread.

The Wheel of Fortune appearing in a reading may be telling you that things are not always governed by chance and that you have the power to change your life.

Remember, on The Wheel of Fortune when you are down, the only way is up. The Wheel is spinning in your favor currently.

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