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What is Your Shadow Self, and Why is it Important?

Mar 20, 2023

Your shadow self is the part of you that you do not normally show to the world consciously or sub-consciously, for example, your fears, doubts, regrets, shame, and the things you are embarrassed by.
Typically, most of us ignore our shadow self and see it as negative because it does not fit in with our concept of ourselves.
Your shadow self makes you human! It is what makes you unique, it should not be considered either good or bad! It is what you perceive as dark and weak about yourself.
For a lot of people recognizing their shadow self is not easy but left un-checked the shadow self can begin to rule over your entire life.
*No matter how nice, empathetic, kind, or happy a person seems they too will have a shadow side, in-fact we all do*

Recognize your shadow self?

It is important to recognize your shadow if you want to live and balanced and whole life and not be ruled by your shadow self!
Your shadow self can give you a lot of insight into your own life.
There are many ways you can connect with your shadow self, for example through dream analyst, and therapy. However probably the easiest way to connect with this side of yourself is through looking at what you consistently blame others for! Or what you consistently find irritating or dislike in other people.
So, if you find yourself judging people a lot of the time, it could be that your shadow self is trying to make you feel like you are better than them and on a higher level, but this is really an illusion.
Next time you find yourself judging someone, pay attention to what you are judging them for, because whatever it is you find irritating or that you do not like about that person is an aspect of yourself that you have not accepted or are denying.
When you deny certain aspects of yourself, they will try to control your life by making you feel bad about other people.

Embrace your shadow self

By ignoring your shadow self, you can cause yourself issues later so here are some ways you can embrace this part of yourself.

Meditation – Meditation lowers your stress levels by calming your mind and is therefore a fantastic way to practice non-judgmental observations, because when your mind is calm emotional triggers affect you less, which means you can see more clearly, allowing you to observe your day without expectations, ego, or judgment.

Non–judgmental Observation – This means to observe your emotions without labeling or judging them. An effective way to do this is to pretend you are watching yourself on a screen, like a tv screen for example. Avoid judging what you see, stay calm and just watch. Observe what you do and how you do it without emotion as if nothing is “wrong” at all.

Therapy – Therapy is a safe place to discuss your emotional triggers, actions, reactions, and blocks.

Journaling – Keeping honest notes of your thoughts and feelings is a helpful way to review how you feel. Making notes of your day and what triggered you and why you felt the way you did can help you understand your shadow side. Reflect on the days when you are happy versus the days you struggle to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

I hope you have enjoyed this post

# 286276694
Date: Mar 20, 2023

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