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Weekly Tarot Card Messages Commencing Oct 22 2023

Oct 23, 2023

Sunday 22nd October
The Lovers The Lovers shows you are at an emotional crossroad and asks that you follow your heart and gut feelings when deciding on your next move. It also shows the energies of love around you, it says if you are single love is finding its way to your path. If you are attached, then you can expect either a romantic gesture today or perhaps love is taking a new path!

Monday 23rd October Seven of Wands
Stand your ground today and defend what you believe to be true. The seven of wands recalls the saying ‘what doesn’t kill you, makes your stronger’ it is one of those cards that shows uncertainty and asks that you dig deep, ground yourself and stay on task. It says be assertive, take the lead and make the changes that you see to be necessary.

Tuesday 24th October Two of Swords
The two is asking you to wait and watch at this time, it shows a decision that needs to be made and that this might be creating some confusion for you. It shows a head / heart conflict, in other words your head (logical thinking) and heart (emotional thinking) aren’t in balance and wants you to restore this balance. It suggests following logic!

Wednesday 25th October The Chariot
The Chariot speaks about all types of movement – physically as in you may be taking a trip / journey of some description. Perhaps this is just a small trip / day out, it is the energy attached to this that seems to be positive for you. This can also be internal, as in a change of heart / belief, so if this is the case know it is putting you on track.

Thursday 26th October Eight of cups
The eight of cups says know when to walk away, and when to let go. Today is one of those days that asks for complete honesty especially with yourself, knowing that if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t, so let it go and move on. The eight also wants you to open your eyes to what is happening around you right now.

Friday 27th October Justice
Justice asks for fairness today, and for you to do what is right. It says follow your moral compass and make sure that you are honest, upfront, and truthful in all your dealings at the moment. It wants you to follow the tried and tested routes today and to not make any hasty changes to the plan. It says take a logical approach.

Saturday 28th October Ten of Pentacles
The ten of pentacles is a great card to see when you are wondering about or starting up a family business/venture and want to know whether it will be successful. This card says go for it, but make sure everyone is pulling their weight and working as a team. It is also a card of celebration and getting together with the people you love the most.

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