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Weekly Tarot Card Message - Commencing Sept 24th 2023

Sep 24, 2023

Week Commencing Sunday 24th September 2023

Sunday 24thth September
The Emperor

The Emperor is speaking to you today about the rules and about sticking to the tried and tested routes and ways. He says do not take a chance or allow yourself to become slipshod. Be wise, careful, and patient. Do things by the book metaphorically speaking, that is, now is not the time to act on a whim!

Monday 25th September
The Chariot

The Chariot speaks about movement, this might be inner movement as in a change of ideals, beliefs, or the way you approach something, or it might be physical movement as in you are going to be going on a journey of some sorts. The chariot talks about modes of transport as well and could be implying a new vehicle or taking a road trip.

Tuesday 26th September
Seven of cups

This is a card of dreams and possibilities and says don’t be fooled by something that looks too good to be true, because generally it will be too good to be true! The seven speaks to you about a decision that will need to be made today and says trust your own instincts, and says don’t overthink things, relax your mind, and listen to your own inner truths.

Wednesday 27th September
Ten of cups

The ten of cups is a family card, it encourages you to spend time with the people you care the most about, if you can’t see them in person, reach out in some other way and connect. This ten is also about putting any upset and disharmony behind you. It asks that everyone feels included and that any issues are put behind you.

Thursday 28th September
Ace of swords

Aces are always life enhancing in some way. The ace of swords is about mental clarity and finding the answers you want; it says think clearly and act decisively. The ace says speak your own truths, cut through any confusions, and clear the air. Be upfront, open, and honest in all your dealings today. If there is a new opportunity, seize the day!

Friday 29th September
Three of Pentacles

The three is asking that you step up your game a bit today metaphorically speaking. It talks about teamwork, togetherness and reminds you that many hands make light work so to speak. It says, you don’t have to do this alone, there are people around you that are ready and willing to give you a hand if you ask for it.

Saturday 30th September
Five of cups

Often the five will show up when you have suffered some sort of loss or upset, it speaks to you about letting go, healing and being able to move on. It is also a card that reminds you of the saying ‘don’t cry over spilt milk’ . It wants you to pick yourself up and move yourself forward, and says don’t let yourself become stuck.

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