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Uranus Station Direct

Dec 29, 2016

Stations are pivotal days when Uranus goes retrograde or direct according to Uranus is currently retrograde (i.e. moving backwards) but has stopped or stationed to turn around and go direct at 20°Aries 33' at 4:28 am EST.

What is a station? You may have heard of Mercury retrograde and wondered what that means astronomically. “Retrograde” means “moving backwards,” so when Mercury is retrograde, it is moving backwards in apparent motion from our viewpoint here on Earth. This means that instead of progressing forward through the zodiac, from one sign to another, Mercury is actually backing up. It’s a visual illusion, but a meaningful and measurable one.

Uranus goes retrograde too. Uranus spends more than half of every year moving forward (astrologers call that “direct” motion), but when Uranus slows, stops, and turns backward or forward, we call that a “station.” An astrologer might say, “Uranus is stationary and turning retrograde today,” or “Uranus is stationary retrograde” when Uranus is in the process of turning backward. When Uranus is in the process of turning forward, we say “Uranus is stationary and turning direct today,” or “Uranus is stationary direct.”

These stations are “pivotal days,” because the planet we’re talking about is literally pivoting—and also because stations tend to lead to pivotal events for those of us Earthlings who are being affected by them. Those pivotal events will trigger changes in us, and that will happen according to the nature of the transiting planet, in this case, Uranus.

How does Uranus change us? Breakthrough comes only after breakdown. Uranus brings the “Eureka!” or the “Aha!” moment of insight, that lightning-bolt-from-the-blue that disrupts your normal everyday assumptions and introduces an idea so new, so startling, so crazy that it just might work. This sudden insight is followed by a cascade of change that challenges the very framework your life has fitted into in the past. Uranus brings progressive, revolutionary, dimensional shift, after which nothing looks the same, nothing holds the same meaning, and some things are rendered irrelevant. Flat earth becomes round world after Uranus whips through your life.

Uranus teaches us a fundamental truth: a fresh, greater and more inclusive order only comes after a chaotic mess. A transit of Uranus is accompanied by a restlessness that causes you to want to dash it all to pieces. You don’t actually have to destroy everything you’ve built in order to shift to the next level, but you may have to tolerate some uncomfortable mess as you search for the new frame to put it all into.

This will affect the area of life ruled by whatever planet of yours that Uranus is transiting. For example, Uranus transiting your Sun might make you question your core identity and want to throw it out and start afresh. Uranus transiting your Venus might make you question your relationships—and make you feel trapped by them as well. Uranus transiting your Saturn might bring massive changes to your career, which you can turn into derailment or progress by how you respond.

Movement of Uranus this year: In 2016, Uranus traveled forward to 24 degrees of Aries, then turned around retrograde and traveled backward to 20 degrees of Aries, now turns direct and travels forward through 24 degrees of Aries again and beyond. Then it will move into the next patch of degrees, where it makes a similar journey in 2017.

This means that if you have any planet in 20 to 24 degrees of Aries, you are having a Uranus transit to that planet this year. Because Uranus in Aries forms a challenging aspect to Cancer, Capricorn and Libra, if you have any planet in 20 to 24 degrees of any of those signs, that planet has also been having a Uranus transit.

Peaks in the intensity of this transit: You’ll feel a transit the most strongly when it’s exact and also during its stations, or pivotal days. So if you have Venus at 22 degrees of Cancer, you’d feel Uranus’ influence the most strongly when Uranus was passing through 22 degrees of Aries, and also on the days it turns retrograde and direct. In a reading you can get a diagram of this that’s personalized for you and shows the exact dates to watch for. It shows you which of your own planets is being triggered by Uranus and you can talk about what it means for you and where in your life to look for its effects. This gives you a chance to see what’s coming and plan how to respond to it. Getting this kind of personally timed information is the main reason people consult our Starz astrologers.

How to handle your Uranus transit: The best response to a Uranian insight is to open your mind up and engage in a search for a new frame, a new context, a new order in which all the old pieces make sense, and the new ones also fit. Uranus turns your head around—that’s what he’s for. Embrace progressive, future-oriented ways of being and behaving. You may feel trapped, stuck and itchy, but think carefully before you react, rebel or make a change you might regret. Look for the way through the chaos and you’ll find that a whole new life is just around the corner—yours for the claiming.

Image: A 1998 false-colour near-infraredimage of Uranus showing cloud bands,rings, and moons obtained by theHubble Space Telescope's NICMOS camera. - Wikipedia

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