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Totem Animal Crocodile / Alligator Spirit Helper

Jun 14, 2023

Having the alligator/crocodile spirit animal helper has many major benefits. For example, it reminds you to stop being too complacent, and reminds you that there’s much you can achieve in life.
History suggests that the crocodile has been around for approximately 80 million years, and has changed very little over that time, with many living beyond 100 years of age. In the Bible the crocodile is portrayed as the embodiment of chaos. Whereas ancient warriors considered it to be an emblem of toughness and would even carry a crocodile charm believing it would provide them with inner strength and a greater understanding of the self.
The crocodile / alligator is an ancient symbol of the deep unconscious mind, perseverance, aggressiveness, and assertiveness. People with the alligator/crocodile spirit animal see any situation from several perspectives.

The crocodile / Alligator does not consume for fun, they hunt and eat only when necessary. They live both on the land as well as in the water, (unconscious and conscious mind). They use the muddy area in between the earth and water to conceal themselves when hunting. They have excellent nighttime vision. Plus, they can detect pressure changes in the water, which enables them to locate their prey more easily. Both have eyes are on top of their heads, which makes them hard to see, and helps them strike their prey without putting themselves in danger. Making them symbols of stealth, discretion, and the surprise attack.

Metaphysically having eyes on top of their heads implies the gift of sight, future-telling, clairvoyance, as well as the ability to see Angelic spirits, and so on.

This spirit totem has an unrestrained creative force, which mainly manifests as the animal’s ferocity, fury, and primal energy.

The word Crocodile comes from the Greek kroko delios, which translates as “pebble man.”

The alligator/crocodile presence in your life has a very powerful meaning: primal instincts. It implies survival and ability to reproduce. It declares that hardships will not break you, and says that instead, they will strengthen you, and make you wiser and stronger. And asks that you learn to rely more on your instincts for survival.

It is power to pass knowledge, reminds you of your own strength and wisdom and tells you that your own young ones get strength through your efforts.

On the flips side though having the crocodile as an animal totem can also be a signal that nothing seems to come easy to you, there always seems to be a catch or hurdle somewhere along the line. You may feel a bit like you are constantly fighting for what you believe in or for your own space.

That said the crocodile totem helper is around bringing you resilience and the inner strength you need to keep pushing yourself forward. It implies the end of one phase in your life and the beginning of something new.

The crocodile totem is a symbol of what?

The crocodile totem is symbolic of character, patience, and hard work. The crocodile totem is symbolic of perseverance and a strong mind.

It can also mean you are feeling vulnerable about a situation that you have found yourself in and is asking you to tap into your own power to give you strength, and help you find answers. It is a sign that you often struggle with self-confidence and worry about what other people think of you. So, when a crocodile shows up as your animal totem it is often a sign that there is someone or something in your life that is causing you to worry or feel stressed and anxious.
The crocodile totem can also be a signal that you are finding it hard to trust people. So, when a crocodile shows up as your animal totem it can mean you have been through a rough patch with someone that you probably trusted that turned out to be not as trustworthy as you had thought.

You have been hurt, which is why you are struggling to put the past behind you and move on. Perhaps you were generous with your time, money, or love and feel you have been betrayed. This experience has caused you a lot of stress and has left you feeling suspicious of others.

What does the crocodile animal totem teach?

The crocodile animal totem shows up to tell you to look for opportunities to absorb new knowledge and wisdom. It represents the unbridled creative forces of the world, including rage, anger and shows the fury of reptilian primal energy, making this totem the keeper and protector of all knowledge.

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