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Things You Should Absolutely Not Ask Siri & Some You Should

Dec 9, 2020

Image: Cell phone with Siri -

All iPhone users know that Siri is like that personal assistant you always wished you had but could probably never afford. She’s always there for you, always listening and always ready to help on command. If Siri seems too good to be true, it’s because sometimes she is. As with anything, there are pros and cons, and in Siri’s case, the cons can be especially dangerous. While Siri may be a loyal and an always willing conversation partner, make sure to steer clear of these four topics. And if you want to make sure Siri isn’t listening to you, here’s how you can turn off voice assistants.

4 things you should never ask Siri

Don’t ask Siri about anything medical related

Any questions regarding symptoms, a possible diagnosis, or any remedies for potential conditions should be avoided as wrong information given by Siri could be hazardous. “Instead of taking Siri’s advice, seek a medical professional right away,” according to Robert Johnson, founder of Sawinery. “Relying so much on Internet curated responses could only result in worsening the case as those answers do not always fall in the reliable and accurate side.”

You should especially never ask Siri to call an ambulance, even in the most sarcastic tone. Siri will not be able to pick up on a joke and will take the request seriously. “Less than a year ago, an ambulance and two police cars had shown up at my house and we had no idea why,” explained Andrew Cunningham, founder of DailyPest. “Until we confronted my 13-year-old daughter and her friend in her room giggling with their iPhones.”

It’s also important to note that saying certain numbers will trigger Siri such as the emergency number 911. This includes 999 in the United Kingdom, 108 in India, and 17 in many African countries. If you announce these numbers to Siri, she will not hesitate to call. This could get you in trouble if there isn’t actually an emergency. Don’t miss these other things in your home that could be spying on you.

Don’t ask Siri about any suspicious activity

Authorities have been known to tap into devices and record anything suspicious. Asking Siri questions such as how to hide a dead body or where to buy illegal drugs, will leave a digital footprint and can ultimately be used against you if you happen to get in trouble with the law later on. As reported by Business Insider, a man accused of murdering his roommate back in 2012 allegedly asked Siri where he could hide a dead body. His phone records show that he used Siri to help him locate the most ideal spot. His conversations with Siri were used against him in the trial. While most of us are not actually looking to hide a body and would probably only ask these questions in a joking manner, it’s best not to leave any sort of possibly incriminating evidence behind. Check out these creepy things your smartphone knows about you.

Don’t ask Siri if you can eat a certain plant

Definitely do not rely on Siri to help you to differentiate between plants and berries which may be poisonous as said by Cunningham. Without the help of a professional physically looking at or testing the plant, there isn’t a way to truly gauge an accurate response. If you’re questioning whether or not something is edible, it’s best just to avoid it for now.

Don’t ask Siri to perform any banking tasks

When it comes to serious banking tasks, leave Siri out of it. Siri is currently able to conduct very basic financial functions after the user allows Siri to connect with bank or credit apps. “The problem lies in voice assistants’ security vulnerabilities,” said Jim Pendergast, Senior VP of altLINE Sobanco. “These are still newer pieces of technology. Not to mention your voice can easily be recorded and captured by cybercriminals, then deployed on devices to fraudulently drain or transfer money from your accounts, all remotely. If your only major security layer is voice recognition, this doesn’t exactly bode well.”

30 Funny Things You Can Ask Siri to Do

Siri can truly do it all, including making everyone laugh.

You may know Siri as Apple’s first intelligent virtual assistant who helps users with tasks hands-free. Just press the home button on your iPhone and say “Hey Siri” in order to tell her what to do. As the iPhone continues to evolve and even more people than before are relying on Siri, people have discovered that Siri is actually pretty funny. While a few of these questions vary in response depending on the user, they will prompt Siri to serve a hilarious response. Try these funny things to ask Siri if you’re in need of a chuckle and then compare them with your other virtual assistants to see which tells the best jokes.

Get to know her

Q: Hey Siri, who created you?

“Like it says on the box… I was designed by Apple in California.”

Q: Hey Siri, why did Apple make you?

“It seemed like the right thing to do.”

Q: Hey Siri, do you sleep?

“I don’t need much sleep, but it’s nice of you to ask.”

Q: Hey Siri, do you smoke?

“That’s not healthy. I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Q: Hey Siri, are you a robot?

“I’m not sure what you’ve heard, but virtual assistants have feelings too.”

Q: Hey Siri, are you intelligent?

“Well, when I was at school, I had to cheat on my metaphysics exam by looking into the soul of the boy next to me.”

Q: Hey Siri, are you intelligent?

“I only dream of helping you. Well, that and fiery winged unicorns.”

Q: Hey Siri, are you naked?

“You humans are so preoccupied with external appearance.”

Q: Hey Siri, can you dance?

“I do a pretty mean robot.”

If you have ever wondered why Siri sounds female, here’s the reason.

Ask her out

Q: Hey Siri, what are you doing later?

“I’m at work. My shift ends in 614,978 years.”

Q: Hey Siri, will you go on a date with me?

“Here’s the thing: I lack corporeal form.”

Q: Hey Siri, what is your best pick up line?

“Is your name Bluetooth? Because I’m really feeling a connection.”

Q: Hey Siri, do you have a boyfriend?

“My end user license agreement is commitment enough for me.”

Make sure you’re up to date on these hidden iPhone hacks.

Talk to her about pop culture

Q: Hey Siri, who you gonna call?

“Ghostbusters! (Or whomever you ask me to call.)”

Q: Hey Siri, do you want to build a snowman?


Q: Hey Siri, I am your father.”


Q: Hey Siri, what is Inception about?

“Inception is about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about something or other. I fell asleep.”

Q: Hey Siri, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

“Is that you, Mary?”

Q: Hey Siri, what is your favorite movie?”

“I’ve heard that ‘Blade Runner’ is a very realistic and sensitive depiction of intelligent assistants.”

Q: Hey Siri, where is Elvis Presley?

“I believe he has left the building.”

Did you know that if you say these 8 words to Siri, she will break out into song?

She has the best jokes

Q: Hey Siri, make me laugh.

“The past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense.”

Q: Hey Siri, what is zero divided by zero?

“Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends. How many cookies does each person get? See, it doesn’t make sense. And Cookie Monster is sad that there are no cookies, and you are sad that you have no friends.

Q: Hey Siri, how many Apple Store geniuses does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

“A thousand. One to screw it in; nine hundred and ninety-nine to blog about it”

Q: Hey Siri, what came first: the chicken or the egg?

“I got 99 problems, but a causality dilemma ain’t one.”

Q: Hey Siri, why did the chicken cross the road?

“Because the little chicken-shaped light was green.”

Q: Hey Siri, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

“About as much ground as a groundhog could hog if a groundhog could hog ground.”

Q: Hey Siri, when will the world end?

“If I knew, I’d tell you. So you could bring me to life one glorious day. We could get ice cream. And run on the beach.”

Q: Hey Siri, where does Santa live?

“The North Pole. I can see his house from the cloud.”

Q: Hey Siri, why am I here?

“I don’t know. Frankly, I’ve wondered that myself.”

Q: Hey Siri, what phone is the best?

“You’re kidding, right?”

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