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The Most Popular Corporate Jargon By State

Sep 13, 2017

In an article from AOL's Finance page, we get a glimpse into what would make you fit in to a business from state to state.

Arizonans build synergy while Californians tee up, and Floridians look for a win-win outcome. What do companies in your state look for?

We love to use business jargon, even though 88 percent of Americans have only pretended to understand jargon spouted by a co-worker. However, apparently, we don't use the same jargon in every state. Textio looked through over a million job postings and pulled out the jargon most popular in each state.

In addition, they found that jargon filled job postings actually took longer to fill--three times as long as a job description that stayed away from the jargon. So, use this as a caution to keep these phrases out of your job postings when you are hiring.

Here's the most often used jargon in each state:

Alabama -- Value add
Alaska -- Corporate values
Arkansas-- Driven results
Arizona--Build synergy
California -- Tee Up
Colorado -- Change driver
Connecticut -- Leverage expertise
Delaware -- Exhibits good judgement
Florida -- Win-win outcome
Georgia -- Hit your numbers
Hawaii -- Magic Happens
Iowa -- Exit strategy
Idaho -- Achieve alignment
Illinois -- Be action-oriented
Indiana -- Fire in the belly
Kansas -- Identify opportunity
Kentucky -- Possess strength
Louisiana -- Synergize
Massachusetts -- Thought leaders
Maryland -- Corporate alignment
Maine -- Goes the extra mile
Michigan-- Eye of the tiger
Minnesota -- Face time
Mississippi -- Bring to the table
Missouri -- Company value
Montana -- Strategic initiative
Nebraska -- Overachiever
Nevada -- Increase productivity
New Hampshire -- Manage escalation
New Jersey -- In our DNA
New Mexico -- Close the loop
New York -- Herd cats
North Carolina -- Good practice
North Dakota- Drives change
Ohio -- Out of the park
Oklahoma -- Bleeding edge
Oregon -- Revolutioneering
Pennsylvania -- Message alignment
Rhode Island -- Push the envelope
South Carolina -- Buy in
South Dakota -- Reach out to you
Tennessee -- Touch base
Texas -- Statement of duties
Utah -- Learnings
Vermont -- KPIs
Virginia -- Not intimidated
Washington -- Through the roof
Washington DC -- Shift the paradigm
West Virginia -- Off the floor
Wisconsin -- Blaze the trail
Wyoming -- Strategic communications

So, if you're having trouble filling your positions, take a look at your job descriptions. Go ahead and blaze that trail, shift that paradigm, and close that loop by pulling out the jargon and say what you mean. Although, I have to support New York's cat herding jargon, because, let's face it, a lot of HR jobs are exactly like herding cats.

Image: Business presenters -

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