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The Empath; Starz BlogTalkRadio w/Natalie & StarzMayaMoon - Part 1

Jan 31, 2017

"The Empath; Starz BlogTalk Radio"
Part 1- Monday 1/30 always at 8pm EST
Be sure to join us for Part 2 next Monday, 2/2.

As always our hosts Natalie AKA StarzCast (Owner, founder, CEO of Starz and affiliates) and myself, Maya AKA StarzMayaMoon.

Natalie is probably one of the strongest empath's I have ever encountered. I have some abilities but not to the level she experiences. And because we both believe there are many out there that have some empathic ability it was perfect to have Natalie be able to share her experiences, feelings and just in general describe what being an empath is like.

There are many that get physical symptoms such as headaches, anxiety or as Natalie shared a very recent experience just a general feeling of things not feeling "right". This is often accompanied by an urge to leave or exit and return home. In fact many that may think or assume they are hermits or shun society may in truth be so empathic that it truly can become overwhelming.

As Natalie explained, there are no warnings, so one never knows who or even perhaps what may be causing the symptoms, or energy. It can wax and wane and truly does have the power or influence to be a disruption in our lives', how we live and where we go. We can watch a movie or see an actual event such as the recent Hurricane Matthew and have a gripping and intense emotional reaction. The difference between being sympathetic or compassionate versus empathic is how intense the energy can become. It also is indicated by how easily or with difficulty the person is able to return to a balanced state of being. Empaths or empathic IS a spiritual gift, but it’s not always an easy one to carry.

There are ways to work at learning or practicing shutting off that portion although it will never disappear forever. And we will get further into ways of dealing with our energy and emotions and how to "control" our gifts in part 2.
If you have been a sensitive and emotional person most of your life in comparison to others; and often find that events, stories or even personal encounters have a profound effect on you without that intention. It's fairly safe to assume YOU are an empath. And most are not going to be at such a high frequency as Natalie is, but that doesn't mean it isn't a gift and cannot benefit from further understanding and learning to deal with it.

Be sure to visit Starz home page and click on the BlogTalk link to hear last night's show or any other recorded topics and we look forward to seeing you next week!!

Happy listening ~

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