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The Chakras - Throat Chakra: Vishuddha

Jul 11, 2024

Sanskrit translation: Vishuddha - means pure or purification
In Sanskrit – Vishuddha ‘visha means impurity’ and ‘suddhi means to purify.’ Meaning ‘impurity which has been purified.’
Color: Blue
This chakra is related to the element of sound
Location: The Larynx, throat, and neck which also physically look like a bottleneck between the head and the lower body. Making this the gateway and translator between the spiritual/unmanifest and physical/manifest aspects of our being.

The Vishuddha chakra is our centre of communication and bridges the heart and the mind. It is associated with the pharyngeal and brachial plexi, mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx, palate, shoulders, neck and thyroid.
This energetic center is associated with the element of sound, communication, and expression. This chakra has a natural connection with the sacral chakra, center of emotions and creativity as well.

The Vishuddha chakra is associated with communication, both speaking and listening and non-verbal through body language, and other forms of communication. When this chakra is well balanced you can expect clear, healthy, and truthful communication.
The throat chakra governs purification. Thus, in a conversation a person with a blocked throat chakra may speak in a negative manner, be aggressive, mean, spiteful and so on. But if the person receiving these negative words has a balanced throat chakra, they will purify these words through their throat chakra and reply with words full of love and honesty. However, if both people have blocked throat chakras this purification of energy would not occur, leading to a possible spate of poisonous words, even arguments.

The element associated with Vishuddha chakra is Ether, which is all about space, which is the essence of emptiness in which our true selves exist.
This energetic center is linked with expression and how you express yourself through truth, purpose, authentic creativity and individuality.

Symptoms of an unbalanced throat chakra can include some of the following:
  • Not saying how you feel or what you need
  • Meaningless words
  • Harsh, spiteful, mean words
  • Inability to listen
  • Interrupting others - unable to listen
  • Rejecting other people’s opinions
  • Dependant on outside opinions
  • Lying
  • Gossipmongering
  • Fearful of the truth
  • Refusing to listen, or avoiding conversations altogether
  • Fear of speaking
  • Reoccurring fights or arguments
  • Patronizing
An imbalanced throat chakra can manifest as deep frustrations, not speaking out, or living your own truths, hiding your true self. Which means chakra balancing in this energetic center is vitally important.
An imbalanced in this energetic center can cause a sore throat, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder aches, hearing sensitivities, jaw pain or TMJ.

Chakra Balancing
It is very important that all the chakras are well balanced that is why chakra balancing is vital, especially in the throat chakra.
Yoga is a great what to balance this energetic center. Use the lion's breath pose or Simhasana pranayama which is great for releasing tension in the face, jaw and neck.
The fish pose – Matsyasana is also great for unblocking the throat chakra, as well as the plough pose – Halasana.

Activities to aid chakra balancing include:
  • Sing or recite mantras - HAM is the Kundalini bija mantra. Chant HAM (pronounced HAUHM) this works on the vibrational frequency of the throat chakra - breathe in and as you breathe out vibrate the sound HAM. This mantra is very powerful and means I AM THAT.
  • Listening with empathy and compassion
  • Speak out - Share your feelings, thoughts, or ideas with someone
  • Throat breathing exercises
  • Wear or look at blue
  • Use throat chakra affirmations
  • Use throat chakra crystals such as lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, aquamarine, and celestite.
  • Meditation
For more information of the chakras and how to support chakra balancing of each energetic center please visit us at Starz Psychics and speak with one of our professional psychic advisors.

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