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The Chakras - Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana

Jul 10, 2024

Sanskrit translation: Svadhisthana - means the dwelling place of the self.

Swadhisthana in translation from Sanskrit also means sweetness.

In Sanskrit the word Chakra means disk or wheel, which refers to the energetic center in your body.

Color: Orange

Location: This energetic center is two finger-widths above the Muladhara chakra, at the center of your lower belly. In the back, it’s located at the level of the lumbar vertebrae.

The chakras are the energetic centers of our bodies and are vertically aligned, from the base of the spine to the crown of your head. This chakra is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, fun, freedom, flexibility, sex, and creativity. It is responsible for the storage and distribution of Vyana prana, and is associated with the bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs.
It manages the water element inside you. This energetic center is often thought of as the seat of our emotions, for others it’s the heart.
The importance of chakra balancing means your interactions with the world and other people will be nurturing, pleasurable and harmonious.
When this energetic center is in balance you will feel spontaneous, free, happy, creative, even sexually, allowing yourself to play and enjoy sensuality in a healthy way.

Chakra Balancing

The sacral chakra represents the male and female parts of us, it helps create joy, happiness, and loving relationships.
An imbalance in this chakra can result in co-dependency in other people or substances that bring pleasure. Overindulgence, sexual fantasies or on the flipside feelings of numbness and of being stuck. It may also result in a lack of sexual desire.
An imbalanced sacral chakra may make you feel:
  • Unmotivated
  • Lacking creativity
  • Repetitive dysfunctional relationships. You may have the same unpleasant experience repeatedly.
  • Uninterested in sex, or unpleasant sexual intercourse
  • Emotionally drained, even confusion
  • You probably feel unimportant
  • Feeling unloved
  • Feeling rejected by society and those around you
  • Not taking care of yourself
Overactive sacral chakra
  • You are probably a workaholic
  • Domineering in relationships
  • Greedy
  • Obsessed with pleasure
  • Hooked on activities that are used as a replacement for love.
Take care of Yourself – Chakra Balancing

The best way to balance the sacral chakra is by taking better care of yourself.
Get enough sleep, sleep deprivation or burning the candle at both ends will eventually cause a blockage in the sacral chakra.
Eat healthy foods, a diet full of additives is not going to help unblock this chakra. Dring juices or water and try to avoid too much caffeine.
Relaxation is also important, meditate, take a long relaxing bath or shower, maybe even treat yourself to a spa day!

The chakras – especially the sacral chakra is positively affected by water so make time to be near water, a lake, stream
even the ocean.

Chakra balancing of this energetic center is aided through practises such as yoga (especially exercises that involve hip rotation or opening) which can help balance the masculine and feminine energies inside you.
The color of this chakra is orange so try wearing orange or incorporate this color into your relaxation or meditation routine.
Sing mantras, for example VAM this is the vedic bija mantra. Chant VAM like you would OM, do this continuously. You could also chant ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO from the Kundalini tradition, which means ‘I bow to the creative energy of the Infinite: I bow to the Divine Channel of Wisdom’.

For more information of the chakras and how to support chakra balancing of each energetic center please visit us at Starz Psychics and speak with one of our professional psychic advisors.

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