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The Chakras Heart Chakra: Anahata

Jul 11, 2024

Sanskrit translation: Anahata means unhurt, and unstruck
Anahata in translation from Sanskrit also means unbeaten
Color: Green - associated with nature and tenderness.
The heart chakra is connected to the element air.
The governing planet is Venus.

The Heart Chakra - also known as Anahata - is the fourth and often thought the most important of the chakras
Location: In the dorsal region of the spine near the physical heart in the center of the chest. The chakra is also known as the dorsal center.

It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, balancing the material and spiritual worlds and facilitating our emotional and physical well-being and our ability to love and be loved. When this energetic center is balanced, we feel open to giving and receiving love. Pure love opens the fourth chakra, allowing us to receive and give love unconditionally, we can forgive and let go of resentments.

In Sanskrit
Anahata – unstruck describes the Heart Chakra completely. When this energetic center is balanced, we can tap into the energy of Anahata and feel love in its purest form without attachment or any expectation.
We therefore become "unstuck" from negative emotions, self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and past traumas, which may hold us back.
In the Hindu tradition, Anahata is thought to be the chakra of the divine sound, or Nada Brahma, which is believed to be the creative force behind the universe.

Heart Chakra Balancing
The Heart chakra is connected to the heart, lungs, arms, hands, immune system, and the thymus gland, regulating the flow of energy in this area of the body.
The importance of chakra balancing in this energetic center – helps maintain overall well-being, as well as helping you balance your emotions, brings a deeper sense of self-awareness, and build meaningful relationships with others.
The Heart chakra is associated with the primary emotions of unconditional love and attachment. When this energetic center is in balance, we experience unconditional love in its purest form.
The Heart chakra is responsible for storing and distributing Prana prana, which is the life force energy that flows through our bodies. Prana is essential for healthy functioning of the heart.

Element – Air
Air or Vayu is the element connected with the Heart chakra. We breathe in air from the atmosphere, but, if this air is not kept fresh, we feel fatigued, low, and disconnected from our emotions and creative spirit.
The Heart Chakra is responsible for several physiological functions in the body such as:
  • The circulation of the blood
  • Regulating the heartbeat
  • Lung function
  • Immune system and healing
  • Blood flow to the Brain
  • Regulating the bodies temperature
  • Detoxification
  • Cell regeneration
Thus, when the Heart chakra is out of balance it can lead to some serious health issues.
When unbalanced you may feel:
  • Lonely
  • Isolated
  • Disconnected from others
  • Angry
  • Anxiety
  • Resentful
  • Jealous
  • Envious
  • You’re not good enough
  • You’re not wanted
  • Fear of rejection
You may feel physical symptoms as well such as:
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest pain
  • Heartburn
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Lethargic
  • Difficulty sleeping
If the Anahata Chakra is unbalanced, you may experience unhealthy attachments to other people, substances even food. The opposite occurs when this energetic center is open and aligned.

A Balanced and Activated Heart Chakra
A balanced and activated Heart Chakra can bring inner peace, compassion, and emotional balance.
How to know if your Anahata Chakra is well balanced and open:
  • You will feel unconditional love and respect for others
  • Having healthy relationships
  • Inner peace and joy, regardless of external conditions
  • Being able to connect deeply and effortlessly with others
  • Having complete trust in others even when vulnerable
  • Contentment with oneself
Chakra Balancing
The chakras must be in balance if you are to feel at your best. One way to unblock the Heart chakra is through meditation that incorporates Sanskrit mantras.
Breathing exercises are also useful - pranayama is a doorway that opens the heart chakra.
Yoga asanas, or postures, are also used to open and balance the Anahata Chakra by boosting circulation and reducing tension. The camel pose expands the chest and opens the Heart chakra.
The fish pose is a reclining back-bending asana which pushes your chest toward the sky. This pose creates a powerful stretch that can open the Anahata Chakra. With the heart open, you can let go of negative emotions and nurture positive feelings of empathy, compassion, and love
For more information on the chakras and how to support chakra balancing of each energetic center please visit us at Starz Psychics and speak with one of our professional psychic advisors.

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