Jul 12, 2024
Sanskrit translation: Sahasrara means thousand-petaled.
Sahasrara, is the most common Sanskrit name for the Crown chakra.
Color: Violet - reflects the Crown chakra’s link to spirituality and enlightenment.
Location: At the top of the head, or slightly above – like a crown, radiating upward.
This energetic centre controls our connection to spirit, and our sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge.
This chakra is the top of the chakra ladder and is thought to be where our spirits enter our bodies at birth and leave when we die.
Sahasrara means thousands in Sanskrit and gets its name from the lotus flower with a thousand petals. Each of these petals represents a different part of our being, for example our thoughts emotions, and actions – when the flower petals are open it connects us to the divine consciousness, universal balance of the body, mind, and spirit.
When your crown chakra is balanced, you will feel as if everything is connected, and able to look beyond yourself and act selflessly.
The crown chakra is our connection to the divine. When it is balanced, we feel.
- Connected to the universe.
- Connected to the Earth
The element linked with this energetic center is thought, consciousness.
The Crown chakra is closely linked to the brain, central nervous system, cerebral cortex, and the pituitary gland, secondarily with the pineal and the hypothalamus which work together to regulate the endocrine system - all the body’s biological processes.
Energetically, the seventh chakra has a connection with the first chakra – they are both ends of the chakra system.
Chakra Balancing
The chakras need to be balanced. When the Sahasrara Chakra is open and balanced, you will have a more cheerful outlook and outlook and adopt an attitude of gratitude, as well as have a better understanding of who you are - your true self. You will feel empathetic and compassionate.
This kind of spiritual awakening can positively impact you for example:
- You will experience spiritual awakening.
- Enlightenment
- Clarity of mind
- Increased understanding, compassion, and consideration
- Greater sense of purpose
- Greatly improved intuition
- Reduced anxiety and stress
When this energetic center is balanced, and the pineal gland is stimulated you may feel:
- A boost in your energy
- Be able to sleep a lot better.
- Your mental health is improved.
- You feel calm and able to deal with things in a positive way.
- Increased constructive interaction between your physical body and your mental state.
If your crown chakra is blocked, you may feel:
- Lethargic
- Fatigued
- Sluggish and slow
- Uncoordinated
- Hypersomnia
- Out of sorts
- Confused
- Mentally exhausted
- A lack of focus
- Constant fear of alienation
An imbalanced sahasrara can lead to spiritual issues and even physical health troubles, making chakra balancing in this energetic center vital.
Balanced Chakra - Yoga asana for the seventh chakra
Supported Headstand - Salamba Sirsasana - Draws blood into the upper body while stimulating drainage and circulation to the legs, as well as improving posture, strength, stability, and vitality.
Plough - Halasana – Balances the thyroid
Lotus – Padmasana - this pose is used for Pranayama practices.
Meditation is also a good way to balance this chakra, as well as affirmations.
Mantra – the mantra for this chakra is ‘OM’ or ‘AUM’ repeat this sound to open and balance the crown chakra.
Crystals to balance the Crown Chakra:
- Amethyst
- Clear quartz
- Selenite
- Howlite
- Labradorite
- Moonstone
For more information on the chakras and how to support chakra balancing of each energetic center please visit us at Starz Psychics and speak with one of our professional psychic advisors.
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