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The Beach versus the Shore

Jun 15, 2016

So which is it? This article from attempts to sort through the confusion of The Beach versus the Shore...

If you've ever lived in New Jersey (in the U.S.A) or met someone who comes from that state you know that when they say they're going to visit one of the many towns along the Atlantic Ocean that dot the state they usually say "I'm going down the shore." Speak to a New Yorker who visits the towns in Long Island that border the Atlantic or Long Island Sound, they are "gonna do the beach."

You could say one is specific to New Jersey—and colloquially, that would be correct. But technically, people in New Jersey can go to the beach, and there are shores even outside the Garden State.,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNG3bm0rSAB3ZqtG0h_XfjT46y1kWQ&ust=1464698668209592

Exit 98 - Map of NJ/NY -

"Shore" is a generic term for the place where land meets water. Any land that directly borders a big wet area is a shore—be it sandy, rocky or cliff-like. The "beach," meanwhile, refers to the area at or along the shore that is characterized by sand or small pebbles conducive to lounging and castle-building. When it comes to summer vacations along the Atlantic or Pacific, these are often interchangable, but that's not always the case: Large rivers have shores and sandbars are beaches.

So when New Jerseyans head "down the shore," that is true, but they're probably more interested in the beach.

Oh, and a coast is a type of shore that borders only oceans—not other bodies of water.

Image & License: Depositphotos_7108718_s-2015.jpg

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