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The 7 Animals that Parallel The 7 Chakras

Nov 9, 2021

Animal totems -

The seven Spirit Animal teachings of the Native American first Wheel of Life from

Since wisdom is universal, these same teachings appear in diverse cultures throughout the world and in all times, in different ways.

The teachings help us identify those cycles that we have completed and point us in the direction to complete the ones we still need to work on to give our lives a new direction and meaning.

Seventh Chakra/Crown: Eagle

The eagle has the ability to see the big picture, the balance between Earth beings and spirit; awareness of how our journey on Earth is not separate from our spiritual identity.

Crown Chakra energies vibrate at the color of Violet

Spiritual Devotion, Enlightenment Connection the Divine,

Wisdom, Transformation, A safe return to the home

Sixth Chakra/Brow: Mountain Lion

Quest for wisdom (tracking); the mountain lion has the ability to differentiate between human knowledge and universal truth. The mountain lion shows openness to the lessons of true elders, recognizing forces and truths that govern our lives and all others.

Chakra energies vibrate at the color of Indigo

Intuition, Psychic Energy, Mystical Realms

Telepathy, Magic, Mystery, Mystical Messenger, Vision into the future

Fifth Chakra/Throat: Personal Power Animal

Finding your own voice: discovering how to best use your personal gifts; learning to distinguish between self-power, power over others, or others’ power over you. Honoring your gift with courage.

Chakra energies vibrate at the color of Blue

Communication, Expression, Truth, Honesty, Freedom

Freedom of Expression, Individuality

Sings the song of the Soul, Howling of the heart's desire

Fourth Chakra /Heart: Wolf

Development of ability to love and care for others; community awareness and awareness of relationship; joy in nurturing and supporting others, and receiving the same for yourself to achieve all of the above.

Chakra energies vibrate at the color of Green

Compassion, Love, Tenderness, helps to open the heart and be heart-centered

Joy, Love, and Light, Gentleness, Sensitivity, Vulnerability

Third Chakra/Solar Plexus: Bear

The bear symbolizes self-knowledge and growth; standing in your own power; transition and change through the power of introspection; recognizing the limits of human knowing, power of humanity and forgiveness.

Chakra energies vibrate at the color of Yellow

Personal Power, Confidence, Instincts, Solar Energy, helps tap into

powers of inner ferocity to see a vision to the fulfillment

Strength, Self Knowing, Power, Majesty, Face Fears, Sun Energy.

Second Chakra/Sacral: Badger

The badger represents the recognition of individual needs, care of self as a separate physical entity. The power and vulnerability of the Life Force manifest within us, acknowledging its sacredness; healing energy for self and others.

Chakra energies vibrate at the color of Orange

Vitality, Life Force, Pleasure, Sense of Self, Abundance, Receptivity,

Moon Energy,

A strong symbol of creativity can help us attain the abundance we desire. Connects us to sensuality and passion, and feelings of worthiness Symbolic of prosperity, and the cleansing and healing of old ways

First Chakra/ Root: Mole

The mole represents our learning to respect our dependence on the alchemy of the Earth. This chakra represents our first awareness of physical form, relationship to Earth, honoring the Source, respecting the alchemy of the soil that supports all life.

Chakra energies vibrate at the color of RED

Survival, Attainment of basic needs, Boundaries, Self Preservation,

Safety, Earth Energy

Symbolic energy of safety the need of protecting oneself, and one's resources, and creating boundaries to enforce protection of the abundance of resources.

Meditating upon the energy of the animal can also help activate the associated chakra and balance the energy. You can also assign your own power animal symbol for working with each individual chakra center. Choose an animal that you resonate with strongly or one that has the qualities of energy that you would like to embody for that particular chakra.

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