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Teen Tech-Speak Defined

Feb 23, 2017

Language is constantly changing but the Information Age has made it happen all in a rush! You’ve got Internet acronyms on lock. But you still have no clue what the average 2015 teenager is talking about. (“On fleek” means what now?) Herewith, PureWow’s guide to the nonsensical tech-speak of today’s youths.

1. Turnt
Meaning: Excessively hyped or excited
As in: Julia brought rosé; book club’s about to get turnt.

2. Squad
Meaning: Your crew/posse
As in: About to meet the squad for dinner.

3. Goals
Meaning: Something you aspire to
As in: Olivia Palermo’s style is goals, man.

4. Fam
Meaning: Group of friends. See also: squad
As in: What’s up, fam?

5. Slay
Meaning: Something is awesome
As in: You are slaying in that new sweater, my friend.

6. On fleek
Meaning: On point
As in: Business casual on fleek.

7. Cray
Meaning: You’re too tired to type a ‘z’
As in: That presidential debate was cray, no?

8. Ghosting
Meaning: Ending a relationship by simply ignoring the other person entirely
As in: LOL @ Charlize Theron ghosting Sean Penn.

9. Yasss
Meaning: A more enthusiastic “yes,” often followed by "queen" (alternately: "kween"). Add a’s and s’s as you see fit.
As in: Vacation in three days--yaaaassssss!

10. Dead
Meaning: Awesome. And not actually dead.
As in: OMG those s’mores bars? Dead.

11. Bye, Felicia
Meaning: A way to dismiss someone. Originally from the 1995 Ice Cube movieFriday.
As in: You’re not coming to my birthday party that you RSVP’d yes to? Bye, Felicia.

12. Swerve
Meaning: Another way to dismiss someone
As in: I don’t have time to hear about your brother-in-law’s start-up that needs funding. Swerve.

13. Doe
Meaning: A shorter way to say “though”
As in: Those young people and their completely unnecessary slang doe.

Image: Say what? -

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