The Queen of Cups is asking that you open your heart this month Aries and that you listen to what your gut feelings and hunches are telling you. You may find people are drawn to you and will want to discuss their own issues and troubles, if you feel inclined or you can help and want to then do. You may also experience prophetic dreams and intuitive flashes this month.
King of Wands
The King is asking you to take action this month, he says step up to the helm, and don’t hold back. Sometimes you must take a chance if you want to make things happen. He also says use your creative abilities, open your mind, and allow your imagination to flow. Look ahead, to the future and to the life you desire, be bold, brave, and enthusiastic.
Ace of Pentacles
This Ace is asking you to be practical this month and to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. It is a card denoting opportunity, and achievements, and says hard work and determination will likely pay off for you. It also says if you are wondering about a financial investment – go for it! There could be a new opening for you on the cards as well.
Three of Wands
Stay upbeat and positive this month. The three says you have come so far, and you can be proud of all the things you have already achieved in your life, so give yourself a big pat on the back. Look to the future, what do you want to achieve? Set yourself out an action plan, one that you can follow with achievable steps, and go for it!
Three of Swords
The Three asks that you are a tad more independent this month, it says be your own person, make your own choices and speak your own truths. Put some space between you and someone that has hurt or betrayed you, you need time by yourself to process your emotions and decide what you want to do next. Be cautious!
Be patient and cautious this month, don’t make decisions and choices before looking at all the facts, and weighing things up carefully. It is a card of moderation and of not taking unnecessary risks. It reminds you of the saying ‘Always dip your toes in the water to test it before diving in’. If you are feeling off balance, try meditation, journaling, or mindfulness.
Knight of Cups
This card reminds you to dream is good, but to get lost in your dreams isn’t useful, and wants you to therefore maintain a good balance between your dreams and reality and says avoid building castles in the sky. It is also a card of emotions and love and says if you are single open your mind and don’t be afraid of wearing your heart on your sleeve a bit more!
The Emperor
Be ready to take charge this month, step up to the helm and be the leader that you are called on to be. The emperor calls for a disciplined and controlled attitude and says follow the rules and tested routes. He says don’t shirk away from your responsibilities or from any work that needs to be done. You are called on the speak up, step up, be honest and trustworthy.
Seven of Swords
You may need to take a precautionary approach this month or a shrewd even sneaky course of action to get the result that you want. Sometimes dishonesty is needed if you are dealing with an adversary. Sometimes it is best to keep quiet and just lay low! It also warns you to watch your back this month, sometimes people aren’t who they appear to be on the surface.
Justice calls for honesty and for you to do the right thing. It says speak your truths and be fair and just in all your dealings. If you are dealing with a legal matter this card says trust in the system, be completely honest and transparent, the right decision will be made. It also calls for you to be balanced and logical and says weigh up the pros and cons before making a big decision.
Ten of Swords
The ten speaks of an ending / conclusion and says pick yourself up and move on. It reminds you that things happen for a reason and even if you feel hurt right now, your future is looking good, so let go. The ten asks that you deal with realities and truths it says be honest with yourself. It also denotes the dawning of a new chapter! one that looks better and brighter.
Three of Cups
The three is a card of celebrations and gatherings and is asking that you make time for the people that you care the most about. It says gather with friends and loved ones and enjoy each other’s company. Reach out to people, either in person or through messages. Have fun and expect to hear some good news!