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Tarot Royal Arcana - King of Cups

Aug 2, 2024

Keywords Uptight

Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic, healer, sensitive and charismatic

Keywords Reversed

Self-compassion, feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative

Royal tarot cards - Placement

  • King of Cups with 2 KINGS of Any Suit: indicates that a celebration, small promotion, public recognition and/or honour is ahead.

  • With 3 KINGS of Any Suit: Implies success with a particular business transaction.

  • To draw 4 royal tarot cards: Implies success in all your endeavors.

Tarot Royal Arcana - Message

In a deck of tarot cards the King of Cups, is like all the court cards in the suit of Cups. He represents emotion, creativity, and the unconscious. Unlike the other cups court cards, the King is more restrained and in control. He is a master of his own feelings and remains in control of his emotions. Not to say that he represses those feelings and sentiments. On the contrary, the King of Cups represents the balance between the emotions and the intellect. He is a master of compassion and kindness.

The royal tarot cards in the suit of cups speak about emotions, with the King representing emotional balance and a deep understanding of your feelings, enabling you to deal with some of the scenarios that life throws at you, with a deep emotional maturity.

In a deck of tarot cards the King of Cups asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: responding calmly in a crisis, using diplomacy rather than force, reaching out to help, or accepting a different point of view.

Court cards typically represent a person male or female (or you if you are reading for yourself). The King can also signify an atmosphere of caring, tolerance and understanding. In a deck of tarot cards, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

Royal Tarot Cards – King of Cups

The personality of the King of Cups is a combination of the positive water energy of the Cups suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is wise and understanding, with a deep knowledge of the world that comes from the heart. He is a teacher and a leader that guides his students with compassion and empathy. He cares about others sincerely and always responds to their needs with compassion. He heals with a gentle touch and a quiet word.
In the Royal Tarot Arcana this King is calm and relaxed in all situations, seeming to know intuitively what is called for at any moment. Others turn to him for advice because they know he will listen attentively. There is always a peace around him that others respond to. He is tolerant of all points of view and shows patience in the most trying circumstances. He gives others freedom to grow and develop in their own ways without asking anything in return.

In a deck of tarot cards the King of Cups asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: responding calmly in a crisis, using diplomacy rather than force, reaching out to help, or accepting a different point of view. This King can also represent a man or woman who acts as he does, or an atmosphere of caring, tolerance and understanding. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you currently. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

Royal Tarot Cards – King of Cups says

There is a focus on business matters, and you may well encounter an authoritative man whose advice and assistance prove to be invaluable.
You may encounter a man of religious views and/or beliefs, who may arouse your interest in spiritual development.
Perhaps someone will be entering your life who will have a loving, caring nature, and this person will assist or help you in some way.

The King of Cups is diplomatic, subtle, patient and wise and when he is drawn in a tarot spread it may imply you need to live your life by his example.

In a deck of tarot cards this King says if you are being challenged personally, remain emotionally mature in dealing with the negative energy from others. You need to be clear in your own mind about what your boundaries are and what is and is not acceptable on an emotional level. This King is level-headed and in control of his emotions. He uses his emotional intellect to make smart decisions and does not let other circumstances or whims sway him from his central belief system and his morals.

Want more information on the Tarot Royal Arcana or any of the court cards please come and chat with one of our wonderful Psychic Advisors:

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