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Tarot Card of the Day by StarzGnosis - The Fool

Jun 11, 2016

Keyword: Beginning Song: "Don't Stop Believin'", by Journey

In the Rider-Waite-Smith version, there's a figure with a bundle. Her head's turned skyward. Behind her, is a white dog. Before her the cliff drops off.

It's not clear if she sees the cliff or not. Maybe she does and will stop. Maybe not.

Either way, it's clear that she is on her own. Perhaps for the first time. How exciting!

Her only companion, is her dog. And while he may be able to stop her from falling, he's not in a position to tell her any sage words to help her out.

No matter! She's got plenty of spunk and gumption. She'll be fine, I think.

And if not, she'll learn how far the fall is. Here's hoping it's not too far to fall!

All that matters is setting out. The Fool gives no thoughts to logistics or possible complications. Her spirit is enough to carry her through.

This reminds me of the time The Make A Wish Foundation organized the shut down of a block in San Francisco. Why? So a 5-year-old, Miles, could be BatKid for a day.

He had a full day rescuing a damsel in distress from The Riddler and catching The Riddler robbing a bank. Then lunch on the SFPD where he saw the Penguin kidnapping the Giants mascot, Lucille, the Seal. He finished the day by rescuing Lucille all with the help of Batman.

For Miles, it was magical day where he got to be Batman for a day. That's The Fool mindset in action, for sure! He believed he caught The Riddler, saved the girl and freed Lucille.

If you haven't seen Batkid Begins, the story of how Miles wish to be "be Batman" came to be, go watch it! It's on Netflix.

You'll believe anything is possible after that. Warning: You may cry.

So, how does BatKid, The Fool and a magical-child-like mindset relate to you? Simple. Stop letting worries and concerns get in the way.

Stop letting analysis-paralysis keep you from doing anything. You know it as, researching graduate schools or reading about vacation spots.

You're stuck in the learning stage. Trying to gather enough data to act. But then, for whatever reason, you need more data and still more data.

Break free! Just go after whatever it is! Figure it out on the way.

Go outside! Meet people, do something, anything!

Pick up a new hobby or activity you've always wanted to do. Teach yourself if you must.

Get carried away! Believe, like Miles, that anything is possible. Let nothing stop you on your quest!

The Fool embraces her wanderlust and adventurous spirit. Be like her and let go of worries, planning, and complications.

Don't get so carried away that you lose sight of possible dangers. Don't lose your head!

Be brave. Not Foolish. Know your limits.

If you do happen to take a tumble, know who to call for help. Life is all about knowing the right people.

You're not alone in this. Not really. Don't be afraid to fly!

The Fool lives on her dreams. You should too!

Don't kill them without a good reason. What's a good reason?

Not training for the Olympics because you fell and hurt your back badly. Or, not pursuing graduate school because your father is ill and needs care.

Get back on track with your dreams if you can at all do so. Don't wait forever!

You can do it! You're worth it!

StarzGnosis (KNOW-sis) dreams big but suffers from analysis-paralysis a lot. She wants to travel the US in a toy-hauler because it's big enough to sleep 12 people and has two bathrooms. Someday, she will! For now, she's reading Tarot cards and keeping the dream alive!

Visit her at:

Reproduction of all or any part of material by StarzGnosis©, including previous posts,without the express written permission from Planet Starz, Inc. isstrictly forbidden. All violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

Rider-Waite Tarot images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT. c. 1971 U.S. Games Systems. Further reproduction prohibited.

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